I tried my best to convert rtf clipboard data to html but i get just plain text without formatting, as a result:
set fNex to "docx"
set tmpDir to POSIX path of ((path to desktop folder from user domain as text) & "Html:" as text)
do shell script "mkdir -p '" & POSIX path of tmpDir & "'"
set cmd to "pbpaste -Prefer rtf | textutil -stdin -convert html -output '" & (tmpDir & "Test.html" as text) & "'"
do shell script cmd
of course, i could generate a html file from a rtf, that solution works nicely.
Finally my goal is to convert html to markdown -with nice formatting attributes.
But if i use Pandoc - a universal document converter, all formatting gets lost, converting from html to md. The manual of pandoc is very long - and i tried just some basic commands right now.
The default settings of pandoc are totally insufficient - you get just plain text - in that case i do not need any conversion at all - textutil does it better and preserves formatting from rtf to html. Unluckily, textutil cannot deal with markdown and maybe won’t ever…