Close Transmit-Pop-Up-Window


Using Transmit I want to download everything from “their-stuff” to “my stuff”. If use the synchronize-function I get an annoying pop-up-message telling me how many fils were transferred and the script doesn’t continue as long as I didn’t press OK. :expressionless:

Question 1: How can I close that Pop-Up or supress it?

Question 2: How can I use the ‘download item’ command from Transmit to transfer all file in the current ‘their-stuff’-Windows

Any suggestions would be great.

The Script looks like this (it doesn’t work, as long as you dont change the variables):

property ftp_server : "SERVERNAME"
property ftp_login : "LOGIN"
property ftp_password : "PASSWORD"
property ftp_directory : "THEIR DIRECTORY"
property local_destination : "MY DIRECTORY"

with timeout of 1800 seconds
		tell application "Transmit"
			make new document at before front document
			tell current session of document 1
				connect to ftp_server as user ftp_login with password ftp_password
				set your stuff to local_destination
				set their stuff to ftp_directory
				-- When using that, I always get the annoying popup-box at the end of transfer
				synchronize method mirror direction download files with time offset 0
				-- want to use something like: download item <all-stuff-that's-in-their-stuff>
			end tell
			close document 1
		end tell
	on error {}
		-- it will hit this if the event takes longer than 1800 seconds
		display dialog "AppleEvent timed out"
	end try
end timeout

Model: iBook G3 800
AppleScript: SkriptEditor Version 2.1 (80); AppleScript 1.10
Browser: Safari 412.2
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

Assuming you’re using version 3, probably there isn’t any way to supress it. In version 2, if you have developer tools installed, you can ‘hack’ one of the .nib files inside Transmit package to nuke the popup but I couldn’t find it in version 3. So far, the only way to make it easy is to command-click (or middle click if you have 3-button mouse) the “OK” button (so you don’t have to switch apps). :\

I had a similar problem and used a keystroke return command, I dont know if that would work here though.

That will work by adding a command to switch to Transmit right after syncing but it’s not something I’d like to happen. Imagine you’re working on something, you’re in the middle of typing or air-brushing your pet’s picture, and then some application pops up and cuts you off of whatever you’re doing. That’s intrusive and more annoying than a bouncing Dock icon!