Using Transmit I want to download everything from “their-stuff” to “my stuff”. If use the synchronize-function I get an annoying pop-up-message telling me how many fils were transferred and the script doesn’t continue as long as I didn’t press OK.
Question 1: How can I close that Pop-Up or supress it?
Question 2: How can I use the ‘download item’ command from Transmit to transfer all file in the current ‘their-stuff’-Windows
Any suggestions would be great.
The Script looks like this (it doesn’t work, as long as you dont change the variables):
property ftp_server : "SERVERNAME"
property ftp_login : "LOGIN"
property ftp_password : "PASSWORD"
property ftp_directory : "THEIR DIRECTORY"
property local_destination : "MY DIRECTORY"
with timeout of 1800 seconds
tell application "Transmit"
make new document at before front document
tell current session of document 1
connect to ftp_server as user ftp_login with password ftp_password
set your stuff to local_destination
set their stuff to ftp_directory
-- When using that, I always get the annoying popup-box at the end of transfer
synchronize method mirror direction download files with time offset 0
-- want to use something like: download item <all-stuff-that's-in-their-stuff>
end tell
close document 1
end tell
on error {}
-- it will hit this if the event takes longer than 1800 seconds
display dialog "AppleEvent timed out"
end try
end timeout
Model: iBook G3 800
AppleScript: SkriptEditor Version 2.1 (80); AppleScript 1.10
Browser: Safari 412.2
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)