September 19, 2007, 11:41pm
Hey Everyone -
Maybe I am missing something obvious here but can someone please tell me how you get rgb colors to use in xcode?
For Example:
set background color of text field "photographer" of window type to {35591, 0, 0}
That makes color dark red. That isn’t even an rgb color, however if you plug in a real rgb number it doesn’t work at all (give black)
set background color of text field "photographer" of window type to {245, 160, 132}
In AppleScript, RGB colors range from 0 to 65535.
Try something like this:
set background color of text field "photographer" of window type to {62965, 41120, 33924}
See also: RGB Color
September 19, 2007, 11:58pm
Yes I am aware how the numbers are very different, however how did you convert my provided RGB into a color that applescript can read? Is there a pallette somewhere?
I tried:
set myGreenRGB to {245, 160, 132} as RGB color --result: {245, 160, 132}
I’m assuming you have numbers based on 0-255 scale; I just multiplied the numbers by 257 (based on the fact the 255 * 257 = 65535).