OK…I have two scripts I am trying to now combine into one.
One script is a folder action that when a PDF File is dropped into it, that it sends and email message to a group of addresses and lets them know the name of the PDF file that was just put in the folder.
The other script is for a filemaker pro database that opens a file (in this case a pdf) in photoshop (once it is dropped on its script application icon), and adds it as a new record to to my open database after it changes its file size and copy and pastes it into the database picture field.
So, here is my thought… I would love a folder action that when a file is dropped into that folder, that it does what the second script does, makes the smaller version and copies and pastes it into the databases picture field after it creates a new record, leaving the high res PDF untouched and then have the email alert happen once it is in the database to let them know to look at it for review.
Trying to combine these two steps…see the two datbases below to see how they are are writtien now as they are working independently.
email script:
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
repeat with i in these_items
set fileName to name of (info for i)
tell application “Mail”
tell (make new outgoing message with properties ¬
{to recipient:"Barbara.press@tiffany.com, barbarapress@mac.com ", subject:fileName, content:fileName & " has been added to folder " & this_folder as text})
end tell
end tell
end repeat
end adding folder items to
filemaker and photoshop script:
on open theFiles
if class of theFiles is not list then
set theFiles to theFiles as list
end if
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
set display dialogs to never
close every document saving no
end tell
repeat with thisFile in theFiles
tell application "Finder"
set filePath to thisFile as alias
set fileName to name of thisFile
set dateMod to modification date of thisFile
end tell
--I added this line below to capture the modification date
set daMonth to (month of dateMod as integer) as string
set daDay to day of dateMod as string
set daYear to year of dateMod as string
set dateMod to daMonth & "/" & daDay & "/" & daYear
tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
tell database "PDF Approval"
set newRecordID to create new record at the end
go to the last record
end tell
end tell
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
open filePath
tell document 1
set docHeight to height
set docWidth to width
set docName to name
if (mode is not RGB) then
change mode to RGB
end if
resize image width 400.0 as pixels
select all
close saving no
end tell
end tell
tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
tell database "PDF approval"
tell current record
--go to field "picture" --of the current record
go to cell "picture"
end tell
tell database 1
tell window 1
set tableName to name of current table
set recID to ID of current record
end tell
do script FileMaker script "Commit Record"
tell table tableName
tell record ID recID
set cell "name" to fileName
--I added this line below to put the modification date into FMP
set cell "dateModified" to dateMod
--end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end repeat
end open
any thoughts on how to combine this would be great!!!
This just adds a global variable to store a list of the files as they are being processed, then sends the list after everything else is done.
on open theFiles
global emailList
set emailList to {}
if class of theFiles is not list then
set theFiles to theFiles as list
end if
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
set display dialogs to never
close every document saving no
end tell
repeat with thisFile in theFiles
tell application "Finder"
set filePath to thisFile as alias
set end of emailList to (filePath as string)
set fileName to name of thisFile
set dateMod to modification date of thisFile
end tell
--I added this line below to capture the modification date
set daMonth to (month of dateMod as integer) as string
set daDay to day of dateMod as string
set daYear to year of dateMod as string
set dateMod to daMonth & "/" & daDay & "/" & daYear
tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
tell database "PDF Approval"
set newRecordID to create new record at the end
go to the last record
end tell
end tell
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
open filePath
tell document 1
set docHeight to height
set docWidth to width
set docName to name
if (mode is not RGB) then
change mode to RGB
end if
resize image width 400.0 as pixels
select all
close saving no
end tell
end tell
tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
tell database "PDF approval"
tell current record
--go to field "picture" --of the current record
go to cell "picture"
end tell
tell database 1
tell window 1
set tableName to name of current table
set recID to ID of current record
end tell
do script FileMaker script "Commit Record"
tell table tableName
tell record ID recID
set cell "name" to fileName
--I added this line below to put the modification date into FMP
set cell "dateModified" to dateMod
--end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end repeat
tell application "Mail"
tell (make new outgoing message with properties ¬
{to recipient:"Barbara.press@tiffany.com, barbarapress@mac.com ", subject:PDFs for review, content:"The following files have been added:" & return & emailList})
end tell
end tell
end open
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OK…I saved your script in my Scripts/Folder action scripts…and attached it to a folder.
But when I drop something in the folder nothing happens…
any thoughts.??
thanks so much for your help in advance.
Try this. I can not test fully as I do not have FM or CS.
The folder action should tell the droplet to run using the file dropped in the folder.
In the file make adobe resize app. there is a on open, which should still resize a file if its dropped on to it.
But there is also a on run that will run when your folder action sends (in effect) the file to it.
The actuall gubbins of the file make adobe resize app is placed in a sub routine so as to not have to write it twice in the same script.
Change the “/Users/USERNAME/filemakeAdobeSCript.App” in the folder action script to the path of the second script/app
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
set yourOpenviafilemakeAdobeSCriptAppPath to "/Users/USERNAME/filemakeAdobeSCript.App"
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in these_items
set this_item to item i of these_items
set fileName to name of (info for this_item)
tell application "Mail"
tell (make new outgoing message with properties ¬
{to recipient:"Barbara.press@tiffany.com, barbarapress@mac.com ", subject:fileName, content:fileName & " has been added to folder " & this_folder as text})
end tell
end tell
run script (POSIX file yourOpenviafilemakeAppPath) with parameters (this_item as string)
end repeat
end adding folder items to
on open theFiles
my runnApp(theFiles)
end open
on runnApp(theFiles)
global emailList
set emailList to {}
if class of theFiles is not list then
set theFiles to theFiles as list
end if
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
set display dialogs to never
close every document saving no
end tell
repeat with thisFile in theFiles
tell application "Finder"
set filePath to thisFile as alias
set end of emailList to (filePath as string)
set fileName to name of thisFile
set dateMod to modification date of thisFile
end tell
--I added this line below to capture the modification date
set daMonth to (month of dateMod as integer) as string
set daDay to day of dateMod as string
set daYear to year of dateMod as string
set dateMod to daMonth & "/" & daDay & "/" & daYear
tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
tell database "PDF Approval"
set newRecordID to create new record at the end
go to the last record
end tell
end tell
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
open filePath
tell document 1
set docHeight to height
set docWidth to width
set docName to name
if (mode is not RGB) then
change mode to RGB
end if
resize image width 400.0 as pixels
select all
close saving no
end tell
end tell
tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
tell database "PDF approval"
tell current record
--go to field "picture" --of the current record
go to cell "picture"
end tell
tell database 1
tell window 1
set tableName to name of current table
set recID to ID of current record
end tell
do script FileMaker script "Commit Record"
tell table tableName
tell record ID recID
set cell "name" to fileName
--I added this line below to put the modification date into FMP
set cell "dateModified" to dateMod
--end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end repeat
tell application "Mail"
tell (make new outgoing message with properties ¬
{to recipient:"Barbara.press@tiffany.com, barbarapress@mac.com ", subject:PDFs for review, content:"The following files have been added:" & return & emailList})
end tell
end tell
end runnApp
on run (theFiles)
my runnApp(theFiles)
end run
**Edited. Forgot to uncomment some of the script before posting. Which would have stopped it working. Now fixed
Thanks but that didn’t work either…I have read the script that Bebout sent and it seems like it should work…
I don’t understand what the variable actually means, but reading it does seem to make sense.
However, when I drop it onto the folder that has it attached, nothing happens at all… No errors nothing.
Any more suggestions, I feel it is so close…
I actually took the script to my office and tried it with entourage, where I originally used the mail script and still nothing.
I drop it on the folder with the new script and nothing happens…
I don’t know enough about variables or how that open run is supposed to work to try and figure it out.
If you could take a look another look at it I would appreciate it…
thanks again…
I did try it that, but got an error that says object not found…however, I am working at a handicap here…I am trying to find a machine to mirror mine at home…
I had to change a few things as I am working on an older version of filemaker pro (and not advanced), as well as entourage and not mail…
So, I had to remove the table options, change the applications, which was not a concern, but it was asking me to remove colons for the entourage part and replace with “,” or “{”, which I did. But, I still get that message, so I am trying to find a machine that has our original specifications to see where we are really at.
Worst case scenario, I may have to wait till later tonight when I get home after 7:30pm est.
Will keep you posted…
thanks so much!! Will be back as soon as I have something for you!
ok…I found a machine that was as mine except for the entourage part…
It is still asking me to change the “:”'s to either “,” or “}”, which is odd, cause there were colons in the original email part of the script.
So, still getting the object not found error… and the odd request in entourage to replace the colons… In the end, it is entourage that I will be using, not the mac mail I was playing with on my home machine. But, the original part one of my script was tested on entourage.
Here is a thought…
Is there a way to keep the original two scrips I have and just be able to tell one to start when the other is finished?
Rather than try to combine them??? It was just a thought.
You can absolutely have one call the other. Add the bold line below between the last end tell and end repeat of the photoshop script. The path should be to the email script. ~ Michelle
end tell
run script alias “yourDisk:yourFolder:yourScript.scpt”
end repeat
end open
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