Is there a way to access the combo box cell from a row of a data source?
If you run the following code there is no result from the ‘contents’ property.
[code]tell application “Paginator”
set theDataSource to make new data source at end of every data source with properties {name:“distillerFolders”}
-- Create the data columns in our new data source
make new data column at end of every data column of theDataSource with properties {name:"Stylesheet"}
make new data column at end of every data column of theDataSource with properties {name:"Type"}
make new data column at end of every data column of theDataSource with properties {name:"Master"}
-- Assign the data source to the table view
tell box "Masters" of window "main"
set data source of table view 1 of scroll view 1 to theDataSource
end tell
set mySource to {{"One", {"Two one", "Two two"}, "Three"}, {"One", {"Two one", "Two two"}, "Three"}}
set update views of theDataSource to false
if mySource is not {} then
repeat with i from 1 to (length of mySource)
set theItem to item i of mySource
set theDataRow to make new data row at end of every data row of theDataSource
set contents of data cell 1 of theDataRow to item 1 of theItem
set contents of data cell 2 of theDataRow to item 2 of theItem
set contents of data cell 3 of theDataRow to item 3 of theItem
end repeat
end if
set update views of theDataSource to true
get contents of data cell 2 of data row 1 of theDataSource
end tell[/code]
As usual, all help is appreciated. You guys are wonderful and always able to find an answer.