You can put this in the Xcode scripts for commenting, I did:
tell application "Xcode"
set contents of selection to ("(*" & (contents of selection) & "*)")
end tell
set valdia to button returned of (display dialog "Would you like to remove (* *)s or --s or all comment script?" buttons {"(* *)", "--", "All"} default button 3 with title "De-Commenter")
tell application "Xcode"
set valtxt to contents of selection
if valdia is "(* *)" then
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "(*"
set the valtxt to every text item of valtxt
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
set valtxt to the valtxt as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "*)"
set the valtxt to every text item of valtxt
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
set valtxt to the valtxt as string
else if valdia is "--" then
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "--"
set the valtxt to every text item of valtxt
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
set valtxt to the valtxt as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "(*"
set the valtxt to every text item of valtxt
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
set valtxt to the valtxt as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "*)"
set the valtxt to every text item of valtxt
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
set valtxt to the valtxt as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "--"
set the valtxt to every text item of valtxt
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
set valtxt to the valtxt as string
end if
set contents of selection to valtxt
end tell
Thanks for your suggestions. It got me thinking of Applescript instead of Perl.
I have come up with a simple un/comment script for ASOC which just uses “–” which is my preferred comment method as it allows you to trial and error individual lines of code.
The script removes “–” if the line starts with a comment or adds a comment to the start of the line if it is not commented.
Here it is. If you or others have suggestions then please post:
tell application "Xcode"
set tOldCont to contents of selection
set tNum to number of paragraphs in tOldCont
set tNewCont to ""
repeat with n from 1 to tNum
set tPara to paragraph n of tOldCont
if tPara starts with "--" then
set oldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "--"
set tPara to every text item of tPara
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims
if n < tNum then
set tPara to (tPara as string) & return
set tPara to (tPara as string)
end if
if n < tNum then
set tPara to "--" & paragraph n of tOldCont & return
set tPara to "--" & paragraph n of tOldCont
end if
end if
set tNewCont to tNewCont & tPara
end repeat
set contents of selection to tNewCont
end tell
Hmmm To me that one is annoying because it opposites everything, say you wanted a section of script with a few comments entirely block commented with dashes. But the way you wrote that is very good, I can’t say the same for mine it is a modified part of an ASE script folder script.
I was trying to replicate the un/comment script for Objective-C which I have used at various times so it has become familiar.
However, I just noticed that the Objective-C version makes it’s choice as to whether to comment or uncomment based upon the first line of the selection.
So, if the first line does not have a comment then comments are added to all lines in the selection. That means if another line in the selection has a comment it will now have two. I am not sure if that is really to be desired.
I think I will change my script so that the first line of the selection makes the choice as to whether to uncomment or comment then that choice is applied to all lines rather than the way it is at the moment.
On second thoughts the Apple way seems to be correct. You can have multiple comments on the same line allowing you to uncomment selected sections but keeping individual lines still commented.
Here, is my script.If you see any errors please correct and repost.
tell application "Xcode"
set tOldCont to contents of selection
set tNum to number of paragraphs in tOldCont
set tNewCont to ""
set tPara to paragraph 1 of tOldCont
if tPara starts with "--" then
set tAddFlag to false
set tAddFlag to true
end if
if tAddFlag = false then
repeat with n from 1 to tNum
set tPara to paragraph n of tOldCont
if tPara starts with "--" then
set tPara to (characters 3 thru -1 of tPara) as string
set tPara to every text item of tPara
end if
if n < tNum then
set tPara to (tPara as string) & return
set tPara to (tPara as string)
end if
set tNewCont to tNewCont & tPara
end repeat
end if
if tAddFlag = true then
repeat with n from 1 to tNum
set tPara to paragraph n of tOldCont
if tPara starts with "--" then
set tPara to every text item of tPara
end if
if n < tNum then
set tPara to "--" & paragraph n of tOldCont & return
set tPara to "--" & paragraph n of tOldCont
end if
set tNewCont to tNewCont & tPara
end repeat
end if
set contents of selection to tNewCont
end tell
Famous last words, the following now seems to work correctly.
It now removes tabbing from the selection as that was interfering with the placement and removal of “–”.
If anyone could provide some optimisations then I would be grateful.
tell application "Xcode"
set tComment to "--"
set tOldCont to contents of selection
set tNum to number of paragraphs in tOldCont
set tNewCont to ""
set tCont to ""
repeat with n from 1 to tNum
set tPara to paragraph n of tOldCont
set oldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tab
set tPara to every text item of tPara
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims
if n = tNum then
set tCont to tCont & tPara
set tCont to tCont & tPara & return
end if
end repeat
set tPara to paragraph 1 of tCont
set tAddComment to true
if tPara starts with "--" then
set tAddComment to false
end if
repeat with n from 1 to tNum
set tPara to paragraph n of tCont
if n < tNum then
if tAddComment is true then
set tOutputString to tComment & tPara & return
if tPara starts with "--" then
set tOutputString to (characters 3 thru -1 of tPara) & return
set tOutputString to tPara & return
end if
end if
if tAddComment is true then
set tOutputString to tComment & tPara
if tOutputString = "--" then
set tOutputString to ""
end if
if tPara starts with "--" then
set tOutputString to (characters 3 thru -1 of tPara)
set tOutputString to tPara
end if
end if
end if
set tNewCont to tNewCont & tOutputString
end repeat
set contents of selection to tNewCont
end tell