I need to compare a choice from a drop down list to a folder name. I am attaching my script. My company’s folder structure stays the same month-to-month but the date part of the folder name will change so I am trying to compare just the text part of folder name with a drop down.
set titleList to {"AF", "BT", "CF", "DF", "FER", "HI", "HF", "REP", "WB"} --ETC
choose from list titleList with prompt "Choose the title you are shipping." default items "REP"
set chosenItem to result
if chosenItem is false then
error number -128
set chosenItem to item 1 of chosenItem
end if
--set magFolderPath to alias "Dev Mac:Users:Dev:Desktop:Folder1:"
set theList to list folder magFolderPath without invisables
repeat with i from 1 to count of items of theList
set fileName to item i of theList as text
if fileName contains (chosenItem as text) then
set titleFolder to alias (magFolderPath & fileName)
end if
end repeat
I need to check if “REP” is selected then compare to all folders and find that “REP200407” matches and change magFolderPath to Dev Mac:Users:Dev:Desktop:Folder1:REP200407.
I do not understand why this doesn’t work? Any help is most appreciated.
Big whoops on the spelling - never one of my strong points. Thank you for that.
O.K., I got the comparison working with
repeat with i from 1 to count of items of theList
set fileName to item i of theList as text
if fileName contains (chosenItem as text) then
set titleFolder to ((magFolderPath & fileName) as text)
end if
end repeat
Now, my next hurdle is showing only text documents from a folder list and making them available in a drop down list selection. I have this much and it works but I do not know how to limit the results to just text. I tried ". . . of type {“TEXT”} but that errors.
set adRunListPath to (titleFolder & ":Display Ad:")
set adList to list folder adRunListPath
set dropDownList to every item of adList --whose file type is {"TEXT"}
choose from list dropDownList with prompt "Choose the Export for this section."
set chosenItem to result
if chosenItem is false then
error number -128
set filepath to (adRunListPath & chosenItem)
set aList to read file filepath as text using delimiter return
end if
Any help on the limit of drop down list items to just text docs would be great.
I had a little blip myself with my spelling of “concatenation”.
I’d use the Finder to identify the text files in the folder and to get their names for the ‘choose from list’ dialog:
set adRunListPath to (titleFolder & ":Display Ad:")
tell application "Finder"
set textFileNames to name of every file of folder adRunListPath whose file type is "TEXT"
end tell
set chosenItem to (choose from list textFileNames default items {item 1 of textFileNames})
-- etc.
That’s on the assumption you’re not using Mac OS X. If you are using X (and the magFolderPath in the other excerpt suggests that you may be) — you’ll need to modify that to something like:
set adRunListPath to (titleFolder & ":Display Ad:")
tell application "Finder"
update items of folder adRunListPath
set textFileNames to name of every file of folder adRunListPath whose file type is "TEXT" or ¬
name extension is in {"txt", "html", "csv"} -- etc., whatever extensions you're expecting
end tell
set chosenItem to (choose from list textFileNames default items {item 1 of textFileNames})
-- etc.