Is there a way to take 2 txt files and remove the list in text1 from the list in text2?
So anything that is in list1 will be removed from list2
Is there a way to take 2 txt files and remove the list in text1 from the list in text2?
So anything that is in list1 will be removed from list2
This works if the lists have one item per paragraph in the text doc.
set toRemoveList to paragraphs of (read (choose file with prompt "List Removal File"))
set listToPrune to paragraphs of (read (choose file with prompt "List File to be Pruned"))
set C to count listToPrune
repeat with i from 1 to C
if (item i of listToPrune is in toRemoveList) then set item i of listToPrune to missing value
end repeat
set prunedList to listToPrune's strings