I use the command
do shell script "if [[ " & quoted form of sourcePath & " -nt " & quoted form of destinationPath & " ]]; then echo true;fi") = "true"
to check if the file was modified.
This works fine on local, FW and USB disks, as well as on afp connected servers. But if I connect to a smb server, it doesn’t. First I copied the item using “ditto” and then I ran this commands:
log (do shell script "ls -lT " & quoted form of sourcePath)
log (do shell script "ls -lT " & quoted form of destinationPath )
log modification date of (info for sourcePath as POSIX file as alias) as string
log modification date of (info for destinationPath as POSIX file as alias) as string
and that’s what I got:
“-rw------- 1 myName myName 8291 Jun 25 11:06:39 2006 /Users/xxx/Library/Preferences/com.apple.iPhoto.plist”
“-rwx------ 1 myName admin 8291 Jun 25 11:06:38 2006 /Volumes/bla/test/com.apple.iPhoto.plist”
“Sonntag, 25. Juni 2006 11:06:39 Uhr”
“Sonntag, 25. Juni 2006 11:06:38 Uhr”
The seconds are not the same, but I don’t know why they are copied wrong. I also tried to copy the item by hand, but get the same error…
Does anyone know a work-a-round?