Hello, I would like to write a script that would connect to a server and join a channel in Snak.
I can do this if the connection already exists in the Profile List:
tell application "Snak"
connect connection "YML"
type "/join #yourmaclife" in connection "YML"
end tell
But the problem is if the connection doesn’t exist. It doesn’t matter to me if I have to create the connection first or if I can just connect to the server. But I can’t do either. I would think it would be possible to create a new connection, but I can’t seem to get it to work.
tell application "Snak"
make new connection with properties {servername:"irc.netmug.org", nickname:"Stephen"}
end tell
It doesn’t return an error. It just doesn’t do anything.
I would like to avoid GUI Scripting if at all possible. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Here’s the dictionary for class connection:
Class connection: connection object
Plural form:
contact by numeric index, by name
console prop
query by name
ignoreitem by name, by numeric index
filter by name
channellistitem by name, by numeric index
notifyitem by name, by numeric index
channel as a range of elements, satisfying a test, by name, by numeric index
channelliststatus channellistempty/channellistinprogress/channellistready [r/o] -- the status of the channel list tells if it is still being built, is empty or if it is ready for use
connectiontype 'CTYP' [r/o]
servername string [r/o] -- Server name
nickname string [r/o] -- Nick
status offline/namelookup/opening/connected/online/disconnecting/DCCWaiting/DCCConnecting/DCCDisconnecting/DCCFinished/DCCFailed/DCCActive/DCCWaitingForResume [r/o] -- Connection Status
ircop boolean [r/o] -- true is user is an ircop
away boolean -- true if user is marked away
awaymessage string -- A copy of the last away message, but can also be set specifically. This message will be sent if you set the away of the connection to true. If the away message has been set to empty, ?Away..? will be used.
idletime integer [r/o] -- idle time of this connection (in seconds)
starttime date [r/o] -- the time this connection was opened