Connections not working...

This is just out of curiosity more than anything. In ASS I used to make a connection from a static text field to a stepper (control-drag from static text field onto stepper) and connect it to the “takeDoubleValueFrom:” so that I wouldn’t have to update the stepper’s displayed value in code.

I’m currently playing around with a “throw away” project using timers and I have 3 vertical sliders that I use to control the blinking rate of interface elements. I wanted to connect a static text field to each of the sliders so that I wouldn’t have update the slider’s displayed value in code but it doesn’t work. Does this type of connection no longer work in ASOC or did that only work with stepper objects before.

(For the record, I can’t remember if I made the connections using “takeDoubleValueFrom:” or another connection from this list.)


If you control drag from the slider to the text field and choose take double from, it works. Also, you should check the continuous box of the slider to see it change as you drag.


D’oh! I was going in the wrong direction! Thanks for the info. I checked the continuous box already.
