Contol file type "PDF"

My script print incoming pdf´s and move them to the folder “printed”.
But I like to control the file type and not only the filename (.pdf) so that are only pdf-files printed.

How can i do that?

Please help me!
Many thanks…

property copy_checks_indicator : true
property item_check_delay_time : 2
property folder_check_delay_time : 3
property special_label_index : 7
property done_foldername : "Printed"

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
	tell application "Finder"
		if not (exists folder done_foldername of this_folder) then
			make new folder at this_folder with properties {name:done_foldername}
		end if
		set the target_folder to folder done_foldername of this_folder
	end tell
	repeat with this_item in added_items
		tell application "Finder"
(*here i want control the file type "PDF" - How can i do that? Please help me!*)

			set fileName to name of this_item
			if fileName ends with ".pdf" then
					tell application "Acrobat 5.0"
						open this_item
						print pages front document with shrink to fit
						close front document
					end tell
				end try
					move this_item to the target_folder
				on error
					set fileNumber to (count (files of target_folder whose name contains fileName)) as string
					set newName to fileName & fileNumber
					set name of this_item to newName
					move file newName of this_folder to target_folder
				end try
			end if
		end tell
	end repeat
end adding folder items to

on check_added_items(the added_items)
	-- check the transfer status of every added file to determine
	-- if each file has completed being moved into the attached folder
	set the notbusy_items to {}
	repeat with i from 1 to the number of items in the added_items
		set this_item to (item i of the added_items)
		if my check_busy_status(this_item) is false then
			set the end of the notbusy_items to this_item
		end if
	end repeat
	return the notbusy_items
end check_added_items

on check_busy_status(this_item)
	-- a folder can contain items partially transfered
	-- this routine will wait for all the folder contents to transfer
	if the last character of (this_item as text) is ":" then
		set the check_flag to false
			-- look for any files within the folder that are still transferring
			tell application "Finder"
					set the busy_items to the name of every file of the entire contents of this_item ¬
						whose file type begins with "bzy"
				on error
					set the busy_items to {}
				end try
			end tell
			if the check_flag is true and the busy_items is {} then return false
			-- pause for the indicated time
			delay the folder_check_delay_time
			-- set the flag and check again
			set the check_flag to true
		end repeat
	else -- the passed item is a single file, suitcase, clipping, etc.
		-- check the label of the item. If it is the marked label, then it's already been processed so ignore.
		tell application "Finder"
			if (the label index of this_item) as integer is the special_label_index then
				return "ignore"
			end if
		end tell
		set the check_flag to false
			tell application "Finder"
				set the item_file_type to the file type of this_item
			end tell
			if the check_flag is true and ¬
				the item_file_type does not start with "bzy" then
				tell application "Finder"
					set the label index of this_item to the special_label_index
				end tell
				-- allow the Finder time to change the label
				delay the item_check_delay_time
				return false
			else if the item_file_type does not start with "bzy" then
				-- set the flag and check again
				set the check_flag to true
			end if
			-- pause for the indicated time
			delay the item_check_delay_time
		end repeat
	end if
end check_busy_status

you can do

if file type of (info for  this_item) is "PDF " -- with 1 space
then   ----
end if

you dont need a tell Finder block for this