I use VNC on both my home and small business Macs.
Occasionally, the ISP changes the external IPv4 address on one of the Macs. This prevents me from accessing that Mac, until the next day, after I have obtained the new external address.
My Macs restart each morning at 6 AM. I log in, then, I run an AppleScript that launches several applications, and, performs other tasks.
I want to add a routine to this AppleScript that obtains and copies the external IPv4 address, and then, pastes this string into the Notes app, in a specific account and in a specific folder. I have not found any AppleScript code to perform this task.
Can anyone suggest a method to accomplish this?
Thank you.
To get the external IP you can use this…
set Temp_IP to do shell script "curl http://myexternalip.com/raw"
or using a different service here is another…
set Temp_IP to do shell script "curl https://ipinfo.io/ip"
I’ll see if i can play with notes later.
** EDIT ** - Do you want it to create a new note or add to the currently viewed note?
Here is a sample script to add to an existing Note…
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
local noteName, theNote, tempIP, theBody
set tempIP to do shell script "curl https://ipinfo.io/ip"
set noteName to "IP Addresses"
tell application "Notes"
if noteName is not in (name of notes) then
set theNote to make new note with properties {name:noteName}
set theNote to note noteName
end if
set theBody to body of theNote
set theBody to theBody & "<div><font face=\"Helvetica\"><span style=\"font-size: 12px\">" & tempIP & "</span></font></div>" & linefeed
set body of theNote to theBody
end tell
This is a fine piece of work.
1: During my previous research, I stumbled across:
“curl --ipv4 https://ifconfig.co”
Does “curl https://ipinfo.io/ip” provide a better solution?
2: I use “iCloud - IP Addresses” instead of “IP Addresses”. I distinguish my accounts by prefacing each note name with its server name. (iCloud, Google, et cetera)
3: I use English → System Font (default) → Regular → 13 for all of my notes bodies. (I use this same font formatting, with Bold added, for the note title, which is the first line of the note. e.g. iCloud - IP Addresses) The output formatting in the Note, that your code generates, is unchanged from my font settings. What does the HTML font assignment code do?
4: Is it possible to add a date/time prefix to each IPv4 string entry? I would use the YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS date/time format.
As simple as it is, the note that your script generates is cool.
My gratitude.
I don’t understand point #2. IP Addresses are for the whole computer, not an app.
What are you trying to achieve?
I described item number two, poorly. I should have not provided an explanation of my Note titling method. I should have just said that I changed the Note title from “IP Addresses” to “iCloud - IP Addresses”, and then, left it at that.
OK how’s this so far?
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
local noteName, theNote, tempIP, theBody, mydate
set mydate to getDateString(current date)
set tempIP to do shell script "curl https://ipinfo.io/ip"
set noteName to "iCloud - IP Addresses"
tell application "Notes"
if noteName is not in (name of notes) then
set theNote to make new note with properties {name:noteName}
set body of theNote to "<div><h1>iCloud - IP Addresses</h1></div>"
set theNote to note noteName
end if
set theBody to body of theNote
set theBody to theBody & "<div><font face=\"Helvetica\"><span style=\"font-size: 12px\">" & mydate & ", " & tempIP & "</span></font></div>" & linefeed
set body of theNote to theBody
end tell
on getDateString(adate)
local tm, yr, mn, dy, tid
set {yr, mn, dy} to {year, month, day} of adate
set {yr, mn, dy} to {yr as text, mn as integer, dy as text}
set mn to (item (((mn > 9) as integer) + 1) of {"0", ""}) & mn
set {tid, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, ":"}
set tm to text items of time string of adate
if (last word of last item of tm) = "PM" then set item 1 of tm to ((item 1 of tm as integer) + 12) as text
set last item of tm to word 1 of last item of tm
set tm to yr & "-" & mn & "-" & dy & " " & tm as text
set text item delimiters to tid
return tm
end getDateString
As I said, this is a fine piece of work. It will do, fine.
My gratitude.
Your AppleScript revealed a changed IP address, just this morning. This was unexpected, but, welcomed. It also prompted two ideas.
Each morning, I run my startup AppleScript, which now includes your code to write the router IP address to Notes. Both Macs write their corresponding external IP addresses to the same Notes note. I synchronize Notes through iCloud across both Macs and my iPhone and iPad.
While examining the note content, which now includes the two different external IP addresses for two different Macs, I thought that it would be helpful to include the Mac name and both the local Ethernet IP address and the local Wi-Fi IP address. One of the Macs uses Ethernet for its network connection, while the other uses Wi-Fi. Infrequently, the Mac local IP address changes.
Overnight (literally) the script has demonstrated its value. These additions would increase its capability.
Try this…
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
local noteName, theNote, externalIP, lanIP, wifiIP, theBody, mydate
set mydate to getDateString(current date)
set externalIP to do shell script "curl https://ipinfo.io/ip"
set noteName to "iCloud - IP Addresses"
set lanIP to getIP(0)
set wifiIP to getIP(1)
tell application "Notes"
if noteName is not in (name of notes) then
set theNote to make new note with properties {name:noteName}
set body of theNote to "<div><h1>iCloud - IP Addresses</h1></div>"
set theNote to note noteName
end if
set theBody to body of theNote
set theBody to theBody & "<div><font face=\"Helvetica\"><span style=\"font-size: 12px\">" & mydate & ", " & (computer name of (system info)) & ", External-IP:" & externalIP & ", Lan-IP:" & lanIP & ", Wifi-IP:" & wifiIP & "</span></font></div>" & linefeed
set body of theNote to theBody
end tell
on getDateString(adate)
local tm, yr, mn, dy, tid
set {yr, mn, dy} to {year, month, day} of adate
set {yr, mn, dy} to {yr as text, mn as integer, dy as text}
set mn to (item (((mn > 9) as integer) + 1) of {"0", ""}) & mn
set {tid, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, ":"}
set tm to text items of time string of adate
if (last word of last item of tm) = "PM" then set item 1 of tm to ((item 1 of tm as integer) + 12) as text
set last item of tm to word 1 of last item of tm
set tm to yr & "-" & mn & "-" & dy & " " & tm as text
set text item delimiters to tid
return tm
end getDateString
on getIP(n as integer)
local anIP, p, ans
set anIP to do shell script "ifconfig en" & n -- ethernet IP --| grep inet | awk '{print $2}'
set anIP to paragraphs of anIP
set ans to "inactive"
repeat with p in anIP
if word 1 of p = "inet" then
set ans to word 2 of p
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
return ans
end getIP
AppleScript returned the following:
error “ifconfig: interface en0 does not exist” number 1
One month after my Mac Studio warranty expired, the internal Ethernet port failed. I purchased an Anker USB C to Gigabit Ethernet Adapter. Is en0 the internal Ethernet port?
Yes, en0 is the internal Ethernet.
If you run “System Information”, go to the Network section and it will list the available network interfaces. and their BSD Device Names
The other Mac possesses a functional en0 Ethernet port.
Can you query en0, and, if it does not respond, then, ignore it, so as to avoid the error message, yet, maintain the en0 functionality for the Mac that possesses the functional en0 Ethernet port?
Here is a better version…
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
local noteName, theNote, externalIP, lanIP, wifiIP, theBody, mydate
set mydate to getDateString(current date)
set externalIP to do shell script "curl https://ipinfo.io/ip"
set noteName to "iCloud - IP Addresses"
tell getNet()
set lanIP to my getIP(ethernet of it)
on error
set lanIP to "inactive"
end try
set wifiIP to my getIP(wifi of it)
on error
set wifiIP to "inactive"
end try
end tell
tell application "Notes"
if noteName is not in (name of notes) then
set theNote to make new note with properties {name:noteName}
set body of theNote to "<div><h1>iCloud - IP Addresses</h1></div>"
set theNote to note noteName
end if
set theBody to body of theNote
set theBody to theBody & "<div><font face=\"Helvetica\"><span style=\"font-size: 12px\">" & mydate & ", " & (computer name of (system info)) & ", External-IP:" & externalIP & ", Lan-IP:" & lanIP & ", Wifi-IP:" & wifiIP & "</span></font></div>" & linefeed
set body of theNote to theBody
end tell
on getDateString(adate)
local tm, yr, mn, dy, tid
set {yr, mn, dy} to {year, month, day} of adate
set {yr, mn, dy} to {yr as text, mn as integer, dy as text}
set mn to (item (((mn > 9) as integer) + 1) of {"0", ""}) & mn
set {tid, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, ":"}
set tm to text items of time string of adate
if (last word of last item of tm) = "PM" then set item 1 of tm to ((item 1 of tm as integer) + 12) as text
set last item of tm to word 1 of last item of tm
set tm to yr & "-" & mn & "-" & dy & " " & tm as text
set text item delimiters to tid
return tm
end getDateString
on getIP(net)
local anIP, p, ans
set anIP to do shell script "ifconfig " & net -- network IP
set anIP to paragraphs of anIP
set ans to "inactive"
repeat with p in anIP
if word 1 of p = "inet" then
set ans to word 2 of p
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
return ans
end getIP
on getNet()
local tid, netReport, netName, ans
set netReport to rest of paragraphs of (do shell script "networksetup -listnetworkserviceorder")
set tid to text item delimiters
set text item delimiters to return
set netReport to netReport as text
set text item delimiters to return & return
set netReport to text items of netReport
set text item delimiters to {space, return}
set ans to {}
repeat with anItem in netReport
set netName to text item 2 of anItem
if netName = "Wi-fi" then
set ans to ans & {wifi:last word of anItem}
else if netName = "Ethernet" then
set ans to ans & {ethernet:last word of anItem}
end if
end repeat
set text item delimiters to tid
return ans
end getNet
The script does not include the code for Ethernet port en6. The home Mac uses en6. The office Mac uses en0. I did not make this clear. The script should test for both.
Otherwise, this script does what I need.