Hey all
I’ve been trying to work on a script that will start to copy a file from one volume to another and as its copying check the file size of the file as its being completed on the new volume and then compare that to the original file size, and then repeat a dialog box so you know how far a long it is. I am copying over some large files (ex 125GB or so) from one volume to another and have a script that does this but is missing some sort of status. I just want to know…is this possible? I’ve started from scratch about 3 times now and am failing…
You’ll need two scripts to get that one working (more help is coming)
The application exists out of two scripts. A notifier script and the main script.
on open theObjects
if (count theObjects) is not 1 then display dialog "Only the first item will be processed"
set itemToCopy to (item 1 of theObjects) as alias
set destinationFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose a destination folder")
copyItemTo(theObjects, destinationFolder)
end open
on run
-- kind
set kindToCopy to choose from list {"File", "Folder"} with prompt "What do you wish to copy?"
set kindToCopy to kindToCopy as string
-- item path
if kindToCopy is "File" then
set itemToCopy to choose file with prompt "Choose the file to copy"
else if kindToCopy is "Folder" then
set itemToCopy to choose folder with prompt "Choose the folder to copy"
end if
-- destination path
set destinationFolder to choose folder with prompt "Choose a destination folder"
copyItemTo(itemToCopy, destinationFolder)
end run
on copyItemTo(itemToCopy, destFolder)
set newPOSIX to createPOSIX(itemToCopy, destFolder)
ignoring application responses
tell application "Finder" to duplicate itemToCopy to destFolder with replacing
on error theMsg
display dialog "An error occured: " & return & return & theMsg buttons "OK" default button 1 cancel button 1
end try
end ignoring
tell notfierScript() to notifyCopy(itemToCopy, newPOSIX)
end copyItemTo
on notfierScript()
(path to me as text) & "Contents:Resources:Scripts:Notifier.scpt"
load script alias result
return result
end notfierScript
on createPOSIX(aFile, aDestination)
set myName to name of (info for aFile)
set myPOSIX to POSIX path of aDestination
if myPOSIX does not end with "/" then set myPOSIX to (myPOSIX & "/") as string
set myPOSIX to (myPOSIX & myName) as string
return myPOSIX
end createPOSIX
on notifyCopy(orFile, newFilePOSIX)
set newFileAlias to (POSIX file newFilePOSIX) as string
tell application "Finder" to set myExists to (exists alias newFileAlias)
if myExists is true then
set orSize to (size of (info for orFile))
set newSize to (size of (info for POSIX file newFilePOSIX))
if orSize is not newSize then
display dialog "Copying: " & (newSize / 1000 / 1000) & " MB / " & (orSize / 1000 / 1000) & " MB" buttons {"¢"} giving up after 1
--delay 1
display dialog "Copying done" buttons "OK" default button 1 giving up after 5
end if
end if
end repeat
end notifyCopy
A ready to use droplet/application bundle can be found here: http://aghyour.com/verzenden/download.php?file=634ea79f02e250571d710bc68a17fc89
Hope it works,
PS: Tested with file size of 8 GB
PPS: I just think of it now, but of course it can also be thrown together in one script and even an idle handler is possible. (why do I always think the hard way first?). I’m improving your script right now!
Save this as a stay-open application
global idleFlag
global doneFlag
global itemToCopy
global destinationFolder
global updateFrequency
on open theObjects
set updateFrequency to chooseUpdateFrequency()
if (count theObjects) is not 1 then display dialog "Only the first item will be processed"
set itemToCopy to (item 1 of theObjects) as alias
set destinationFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose a destination folder")
copyItemTo(theObjects, destinationFolder)
end open
on run
set updateFrequency to chooseUpdateFrequency()
-- item
set itemToCopy to chooseItem()
if itemToCopy is missing value then return
-- destination path
set destinationFolder to choose folder with prompt "Choose a destination folder"
copyItemTo(itemToCopy, destinationFolder)
end run
on idle
if idleFlag is false then return 1
if doneFlag is true then
display dialog "Copying Done" buttons "OK" default button 1 cancel button 1
end if
if idleFlag is true then
set newFilePOSIX to createPOSIX(itemToCopy, destinationFolder)
set newFile to (POSIX file newFilePOSIX) as string
tell application "Finder" to set myExists to (exists alias newFile)
if myExists is true then
set orSize to (size of (info for itemToCopy))
set newSize to (size of (info for (alias newFile)))
if orSize is not newSize then
display dialog "Copying: " & afrondenNaarDecimalen((newSize / 1000 / 1000) as real, 2) & " MB / " & afrondenNaarDecimalen((orSize / 1000 / 1000) as real, 2) & " MB" buttons {"¢"} giving up after updateFrequency
set doneFlag to true
end if
display dialog "Initializing copy" buttons {"¢"} giving up after 1
end if
return 0.01
end if
end idle
(* ===== HANDLERS ===== *)
on copyItemTo(ITC, DF)
ignoring application responses
tell application "Finder" to duplicate itemToCopy to destinationFolder -- with replacing
end ignoring
set itemToCopy to ITC
set destinationFolder to DF
set idleFlag to true
end copyItemTo
on chooseItem()
-- kind
set kindToCopy to choose from list {"File", "Folder"} with prompt "What do you wish to copy?"
set kindToCopy to kindToCopy as string
-- item path
if kindToCopy is "File" then
set itemToCopy to choose file with prompt "Choose the file to copy"
return itemToCopy
else if kindToCopy is "Folder" then
set itemToCopy to choose folder with prompt "Choose the folder to copy"
return itemToCopy
return missing value
end if
end chooseItem
on chooseUpdateFrequency()
set myFrequency to text returned of (display dialog "Please choose an update frequency" default answer "5")
myFrequency as integer
on error
set myFrequency to chooseUpdateFrequency()
end try
if (myFrequency as integer) < 1 then set myFrequency to chooseUpdateFrequency()
return myFrequency
end chooseUpdateFrequency
on registerFlags()
set idleFlag to false
set doneFlag to false
end registerFlags
on createPOSIX(aFile, aDestination)
set myName to name of (info for aFile)
set myPOSIX to POSIX path of aDestination
if myPOSIX does not end with "/" then set myPOSIX to (myPOSIX & "/") as string
set myPOSIX to (myPOSIX & myName) as string
return myPOSIX
end createPOSIX
on afrondenNaarDecimalen(aFloat, aantalDec)
if aantalDec is 0 then return aFloat as integer as string
if aantalDec < 0 then return ""
set wholeFloat to (aFloat as real) as string
if wholeFloat contains "," then set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
if wholeFloat contains "." then set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
set myInt to text item 1 of wholeFloat
set myDec to text item 2 of wholeFloat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
if (count every character of myDec) < aantalDec then
set zerosToAdd to (aantalDec - (count every character of myDec)) as integer
set newDec to {myDec}
repeat zerosToAdd times
set end of newDec to 0
end repeat
set myDec to newDec as string
set myDec to ((characters 1 thru aantalDec) of myDec) as string
end if
set newFloat to (myInt & "." & myDec) as string
return newFloat
on error
return "(null)"
end try
end afrondenNaarDecimalen
Hope it works,
…Damn…hahaha. That is awesome! I wasn’t even expecting a script that rocks! I’ll put it to the test tonight and see how it goes. I had the second script pretty similar to that I was just missing all the other stuff haha. Again…thanks a lot!