Hello, I’m new to applescript… Well in understanding it.
I have an upload script, if I save a picture to a certain folder, it will upload the file to the photodirectory on my website. Now I want to get me the complete URL of the uploaded photo.
I know how to set the cliboard with
set the clipboard to "http://website.com/mysite/photos/"
But I cannot get the filename with it. Can someone please telle me the trick? Thanks!
Assuming the name of the file is in a variable called ‘filename’ you can simply:
set the clipboard to "http://website.com/mysite/photos/" & filename
in other words, just use the & concatenation symbol to combine strings into a single object.
Thank you, I tried it before but I guess my filename is not a variable yet because I only get my URL.
How can I set the filename when a file is copied into a folder?
OK, now I’m confused.
Where are you getting the file name you want to append to the URL? You say you ‘only get [your] URL’, but you’re asking about files in folders?
It isn’t clear to me what you’re trying to achieve so any advice is likely to send you in the wrong direction. Can you explain more?
ok, sorry here’s the complete script;
-- Fetch upload script
-- written by Rob Stewart
-- This script uploads whatever files are dropped into a folder
-- Create a folder structure on your desktop that corresponds to the folder struture
-- from the root web directory
-- Attach this script to any folder that you want to automatically upload from
-- (ctrl-click a folder to attach a script to it)
-- The folder must be open when you drop in the files for the script to work
-- The corresponding directories must exist already online
-- The script will give up after two minutes of trying
-- The script is set up to work up to four folders "deep" (i.e. three sub-folders)
-- Let me know if you wish to use a folder structure that is deeper
-- The script will notify you after a successful upload
-- Robert Stewart rstewart@rdgrp.com
on adding folder items to myFolder after receiving myFiles
set this_item to myFolder as string
--set name to myFile
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {":"}
set folder3 to the third text item of this_item
on error myErr
end try
set folder4 to the fourth text item of this_item
on error myErr
end try
set folder5 to the fifth text item of this_item
on error myErr
end try
set folder6 to the sixth text item of this_item
on error myErr
end try
set len3 to the length of folder3
on error myErr
end try
set len4 to the length of folder4
on error myErr
end try
set len5 to the length of folder5
on error myErr
end try
set len6 to the length of folder6
on error myErr
end try
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
set exists3 to 0
set exists4 to 0
set exists5 to 0
set exists6 to 0
if len3 > 0 then set exists3 to 1
on error myErr
end try
if len4 > 0 then set exists4 to 1
on error myErr
end try
if len5 > 0 then set exists5 to 1
on error myErr
end try
if len6 > 0 then set exists6 to 1
on error myErr
end try
set myFolderName to folder3
if exists4 > 0 then set myFolderName to myFolderName & "/" & folder4
if exists5 > 0 then set myFolderName to myFolderName & "/" & folder5
if exists6 > 0 then set myFolderName to myFolderName & "/" & folder6
set myURL to "ftp://blabal.nl/fotos/"
with timeout of 120 seconds
tell application "Fetch 4.0.2"
repeat with x in myFiles
put into url myURL item x
end repeat
end tell
end timeout
-- display dialog "Files upload successfully."
set the clipboard to "http://blabla.nl/fotos/"
end adding folder items to
How can I retrieve the URL + filename that has been copied to the window… Thanks!