I am attempting to automatize some file backup. My work folder (source folder) contains different subfolders. Each one of these has five different subfolders with image files in them. I only need to backup image files from specific subfolders. I am attempting to use a shell script to copy the files in these subfolders to the main folder. But I also want to rename them with the name of the parent folder. The new name should have a prefix with the parent folder’s name (theNumber).
tell application “Finder”
set sourcefolder to (choose folder) as alias
set subfolders to every folder of sourcefolder
repeat with eachfolder in subfolders
set theNumber to name of eachfolder
set facefolder to eachfolder as alias
set subEnd to folder "subfolder1" of facefolder as alias
set subSide to folder "subfolder2" of facefolder as alias
do shell script "cd " & POSIX path of subEnd & "; for i in 'ls *.tiff'; do cp $i 'echo $i | sed \"s/$I/" & theNumber & "$i/g\"'; done;"
do shell script "cd " & POSIX path of subSide & "; cp *.tiff " & POSIX path of sourcefolder
end repeat
Hi. Find is a more appropriate choice than ls for this task. For future reference, you really shouldn’t place shell calls within other application’s tell blocks, as mayhem might ensue. You noted you want to exclude specific folders, but no hint was given as to which, so no effort at restriction is included in my example code. Please note that this won’t/can’t work on any file whose folder (or itself) contains a space.
do shell script "find " & my (choose folder with prompt "Locate the SOURCE folder:")'s POSIX path & " -name '*.*' -prune -name '*.tiff' -exec sh -c ' filePath=$0 ; fileName=$(basename $filePath) ; dirName=$(dirname $filePath) ; newPath=" & my (choose folder with prompt "Pick a DESTINATION folder:")'s POSIX path & "$(basename $dirName)\"_\"$fileName; cp {} $newPath ' {} \\;"
Some portion ^ was adapted from concepts learned in the thread below, which was answered by poster DJ Bazzie Wazzie, who hasn’t been seen on this forum for some time. Should you need to remove spaces or other characters from the filenames, you might also learn from it.
The solution worked great. I only have one issue. Unfortunately the external volume I want to use it on has a name with spaces in it. I tested this also on the drive and I don’t get it do work when any of the parent folders have spaces in it. I tried to escape it by framing the variable newpath with quotation marks, but so far I have no luck. It seems that quotation marks only frame the directories, not the filename.
tell application "Finder"
set sourcefolder to (choose folder) as alias
set subfolders to every folder of sourcefolder
repeat with eachfolder in subfolders
set musNo to name of eachfolder
set facefolder to eachfolder as alias
do shell script "find \"" & POSIX path of sourcefolder & musNo & "/endImages\" -name '*.tif' -exec sh -c ' filePath=$0 ; fileName=$(basename $filePath) ; dirName=$(dirname $filePath) ; newPath='" & POSIX path of sourcefolder & "'" & musNo & "_$(basename $dirName)\"_\"$fileName; cp {} $newPath ' {} \\;"
end repeat
end tell
The sample code is already a loop, so I’m not sure why you made another loop and moved it inside the Finder’s scope. As previously advised, placing shell calls within another app’s tell block is really inadvisable; it can lead to errors, reduced performance, and/or inexplicable failure. On further examination, the spaces can be preserved with literal quotes at each $ item; I had misinterpreted them as optional, as the code still mostly works without them.
do shell script "find " & my (choose folder with prompt "Locate the SOURCE folder:")'s POSIX path & " -name '*.*' -prune -name '*.png' -exec sh -c ' filePath=\"$0\" ; fileName=$(basename \"$filePath\") ; dirName=$(dirname \"$filePath\") ; newPath=" & my (choose folder with prompt "Locate the DESTINATION folder:")'s POSIX path & "\"$(basename $dirName)_$fileName\"; cp \"$filePath\" \"$newPath\" ' {} \\;"
tell application "Finder"
set sourcefolder to (choose folder with prompt "Please select the folder to be processed:") as alias
set destinationfolder to (choose folder with prompt "Please select the destination folder:") as alias
set subfolders to every folder of sourcefolder
repeat with eachfolder in subfolders
set musNo to name of eachfolder
set facefolder to eachfolder as alias
if (exists folder "endImages" of facefolder) is true then
do shell script "find \"" & POSIX path of sourcefolder & musNo & "/endImages\" -name '*.tif' -exec sh -c ' filePath=\"$0\" ; fileName=$(basename \"$filePath\") ; dirName=$(dirname \"$filePath\") ; newPath=\"" & POSIX path of destinationfolder & musNo & "_$dirName_$fileName\"; cp \"$filePath\" \"$newPath\" ' {} \\;"
end if
if (exists folder "sideImages" of facefolder) is true then
do shell script "find \"" & POSIX path of sourcefolder & musNo & "/sideImages\" -name '*.tif' -exec sh -c ' filePath=\"$0\" ; fileName=$(basename \"$filePath\") ; dirName=$(dirname \"$filePath\") ; newPath=\"" & POSIX path of destinationfolder & musNo & "_$dirName_$fileName\"; cp \"$filePath\" \"$newPath\" ' {} \\;"
end if
if (exists folder "unwrapping" of facefolder) is true then
do shell script "find \"" & POSIX path of sourcefolder & musNo & "/unwrapping\" -name '*.tif' -exec sh -c ' filePath=\"$0\" ; fileName=$(basename \"$filePath\") ; dirName=$(dirname \"$filePath\") ; newPath=\"" & POSIX path of destinationfolder & musNo & "_$dirName_$fileName\"; cp \"$filePath\" \"$newPath\" ' {} \\;"
end if
end repeat
end tell