I would like to
- delete all events in Calendar X (“destination calendar”)
- copy all events from Calendar Y (“source calendar”) into Calendar X
The code below has worked until recently. I am not sure what caused it to fail (update to 10.15.7 from 10.15.6?)
Now, when it attempts to copy the first event, it throws the error
Error: Events can not be copied. (-1717)
- this happens with iCloud or exchange or other calendars.
- this happens with copy or duplicate events
- when it was working I had the calendars referenced via their UIDs (see comment in code); with the UIDs enabled, I get the error "Error: the Apple Event handler failed (errAEEventFailed:-10000)"
- why might copying/duplicating events be problematic? Is there another way to do this? I want to copy the events into an existing calendar for sharing reasons (I cannot share the source calendar)
- Is there a way to find out more details when this error occurs? What does “-1717” imply?
- when copying fails, might this be due to a lack of read/write permissions? Is this a new “security feature”?
Thanks for your help!
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
-- destination ist der posteo Kalender "Claus_Work_Copy"
-- set destinationUid to "B0E49013-1183-4E70-84BC-C56A2157E2BD"
set DestinationCalendarName to "egon"
-- sources ist der IWS LHG Calendar
-- set sources to {"BF607163-CA76-45C5-AB2F-7437B47BC9DA"}
set SourceCalendarName to "Calendar"
tell application "Calendar"
-- set destinationCalendar to first calendar where its uid = destinationUid
-- set sourceCalendar to (first calendar where its uid = sourceUid)
set destinationCalendar to (first calendar where its name = DestinationCalendarName)
set sourceCalendar to (first calendar where its name = SourceCalendarName)
-- Clear the destination calendar
repeat with anEvent in (get events of destinationCalendar)
delete anEvent
end repeat
-- If this loop displays anything the clearing didn't work
repeat with anEvent in (get events of destinationCalendar)
display dialog "Failed to clear " & summary of anEvent as string
end repeat
-- Copy sources to destination --
repeat with anEvent in (get events of sourceCalendar)
copy anEvent to the end of events of destinationCalendar
-- duplicate anEvent to end of destinationCalendar -- with properties {description:"Copied Automatically"}
end try
end repeat
repeat with anEvent in (get events of destinationCalendar)
display dialog summary of anEvent as string
end repeat
end tell
Model: Mac Mini 2018
Browser: Safari 605.1.15
Operating System: macOS 10.14
I don’t know. Some properties of source event you can’t set as property of new created event. For example, the UID of certain event is unique (for it only). I guess this is the reason why you got error when trying to copy all properties of event together. For me duplicating events work fine this way:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
set SourceCalendarName to "Calendar"
set DestinationCalendarName to "egon"
tell application "Calendar"
set sourceCalendar to calendar SourceCalendarName
set destinationCalendar to calendar DestinationCalendarName
-- Clear the destination calendar
delete events of destinationCalendar
-- Copy sources to destination --
repeat with anEvent in (get events of sourceCalendar)
tell anEvent
set |allday event| to allday event
set |start date| to start date
set |end date| to end date
set |url| to url
set |location| to location
set |recurrence| to recurrence
set |sequence| to sequence
set restProperties to {description, excluded dates, stamp date, summary}
end tell
tell destinationCalendar
set newEvent to (make new event at end of events with properties {allday event:|allday event|, start date:|start date|, end date:|end date|})
tell newEvent
if not (|url| is missing value) then set url to |url|
if not (|location| is missing value) then set location to |location|
if not (|recurrence| is missing value) then set recurrence to |recurrence|
if not (|sequence| is 0) then set sequence to |sequence|
set {description, excluded dates, stamp date, summary} to restProperties
end tell
end tell
end repeat
end tell
Thanks, KniazidisR, your script works (mostly)!
A couple of thoughts:
- why do you include
, excluded dates
, stamp date
and summary
into one variable called restProperties
?.. in my case the script sometimes failed when one of them was wrong (e.g., missing)
- so I resorted to setting each item individually, which mostly works (sometimes description (the title) is missing (likely due to “weird” characters).
Thanks again!
(Link corrected by NG.)
You are right.
I checked the Calendar dictionary. From there we can see that:
- some properties may not have initial values (they are undefined initially)
- the UID and sequence are read/only.
That is, the 1) should be checked before copying, the 2) should not be touched. Corrected script:
set SourceCalendarName to "Calendar"
set DestinationCalendarName to "egon"
tell application "Calendar"
set sourceCalendar to calendar SourceCalendarName
set destinationCalendar to calendar DestinationCalendarName
-- Clear the destination calendar
delete events of destinationCalendar
-- Copy sources to destination --
repeat with anEvent in (get events of sourceCalendar)
tell anEvent
set |allday event| to allday event
set |start date| to start date
set |end date| to end date
set |url| to url
set |location| to location
set |recurrence| to recurrence
set |description| to description
set |excluded dates| to excluded dates
set |stamp date| to stamp date
set |summary| to summary
end tell
tell destinationCalendar
set newEvent to (make new event at end of events with properties {allday event:|allday event|, start date:|start date|, end date:|end date|})
tell newEvent
if not (|url| is missing value) then set url to |url|
if not (|location| is missing value) then set location to |location|
if not (|recurrence| is missing value) then set recurrence to |recurrence|
if not (|description| is missing value) then set description to |description|
if not (|summary| is missing value) then set summary to |summary|
if not (|excluded dates| is missing value) then set excluded dates to |excluded dates|
if not (|stamp date| is missing value) then set stamp date to |stamp date|
end tell
end tell
end repeat
end tell