I’ve created a coreML model with data for identifying a bass drum and am trying to write a script in ASOC to analyse and identify an audio sample to detect wether or not it is a bass drum. This is the script I have so far, any tips as to where I’m going wrong would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "CoreML"
use framework "AVFoundation"
-- Load the CoreML model
set modelPath to "/path/bassDrum.mlmodel"
set modelURL to current application's |NSURL|'s fileURLWithPath:modelPath
set mlModel to current application's |MLModel|'s modelWithContentsOfURL:modelURL error:(missing value)
-- Create a CoreML model prediction function
on predictBassDrum(input)
set inputFeatures to current application's |MLAudioElectronicaFeatureProvider|'s new()
inputFeatures's setInputAudio(input)
set inputDict to inputFeatures's dictionaryBySettingValuesForKeys:(missing value)
set outputDict to mlModel's predictionFromFeatures:inputDict error:(missing value)
set outputProb to (outputDict's valueForKey:"classLabelProbs")'s valueForKey:"Bass Drum"
return outputProb
end predictBassDrum
-- Test the model with an audio file
set audioPath to "~/Desktop/audiofile.wav"
set audioURL to current application's |NSURL|'s fileURLWithPath:audioPath
set {audioData, error} to current application's |NSData|'s dataWithContentsOfURL:audioURL options:(missing value) |error|:(reference)
if audioData = missing value then
display dialog "Error reading audio file: " & (error's localizedDescription()) buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with icon stop
set audioFormatDescriptionRef to current application's |AVAudioFormat|'s alloc()'s initWithCommonFormat:(current application's |AVAudioPCMFormat|'s |AVAudioPCMFormatFloat32|) sampleRate:(48000) channels:(1) interleaved:(true)
set audioBuffer to current application's |AVAudioPCMBuffer|'s alloc()'s initWithPCMFormat:audioFormatDescriptionRef frameCapacity:(audioData's length) / 4
set mutableAudioBufferList to audioBuffer's mutableAudioBufferList()
mutableAudioBufferList's mNumberBuffers = 1
mutableAudioBufferList's mBuffers|mNumberChannels|'s intValue() = 1
mutableAudioBufferList's mBuffers|mData|'s bytes() = (audioData's bytes())
mutableAudioBufferList's mBuffers|mDataByteSize|'s intValue() = (audioData's length())
set inputAudio to audioBuffer
-- Call the prediction function
set isBassDrum to predictBassDrum(inputAudio)
-- Check if the sample is a bass drum
if isBassDrum > 0.5 then
display dialog "This sample is a bass drum."
display dialog "This sample is not a bass drum."
end if
end if