Like many other people, I like to communicate on social networks, but sometimes there is a very clingy and annoying guy there. To get rid of it, I create a nonsense using the following script and send a response. While the guy trying to understand the meaning of my answer, I take a break from him.
The script stores nonsense in the clipboard. All that remains is to paste it and send a comment to annoying guy.
createNonsense from ("Like many other people, I like to communicate on social networks, but sometimes there is a very clingy and annoying guy there. To get rid of it, I create a nonsense using the following script and send a response. While the guy understands the meaning of my answer, I take a break from him. The script stores nonsense in the clipboard. All that remains is to paste it and send a comment.")
on createNonsense from sourceText
local ATID, i, j, temp, wordsList
set ATID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to space
set wordsList to text items of sourceText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to space
-- shuffle xode posted by Mark J. Reed on the AppleScript-Users list in May 2005.
repeat with i from (count of wordsList) to 2 by -1
set j to random number from 1 to i
if i ≠ j then
set temp to item i of wordsList
set item i of wordsList to item j of wordsList
set item j of wordsList to temp
end if
end repeat
set temp to wordsList as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ATID
set the clipboard to temp
return temp
end createNonsense
NOTE: you can specify a more “hot” source text than the one I took in the example. Preferably without swearing.