Hello all, I have searched and tried more complex strings of code mish mashed from multiple threads but have had no luck. Any help at all is appreciated!
I want to create a series of folders named as “event number_event name_year_month & day” For example: “44382_Coney Island_2013_0302”
These values will be pulled from four excel columns with underscores added by the script. Inside each folder it creates I want end up with two subfolders: “JPG” and “RAW”
Hoping to learn a bit more about referencing multiple columns etc. along the way! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ANY HELP!
The most basic code I got to work was from a single column and was this:
set destinationFolder to "Macintosh HD:Users:cwray:Desktop:Folders"
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
set theCells to value of range "A1:A9" of active sheet
end tell
repeat with oneCell in theCells
tell application "Finder" to make new folder at folder destinationFolder with properties {name:item 1 of oneCell}
end repeat
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