I need to create folders which will contain later some files.
I am still not to good at Applescript and I really need help.
I found a script here which should be doing exactly what I want:
set x to 1
display dialog " --Make Lotsa' Folders--
This AppleScript will create multiple folders using names from a text file that you specify."
set destination to (choose folder with prompt "Where would you like to make the folders?")
tell application "TextEdit"
open (choose file with prompt "Select the text file you wish to use")
end tell
tell application "TextEdit"
if (paragraph x of window 1 exists) then
select paragraph x of window 1
copy selection to folderName
display dialog "Your folders are done." buttons {"OK"}
end if
end tell
tell application "Finder"
make folder in destination with properties {name:folderName}
--select folder "untitled folder" in the destination
--set the name of the selection to folderName
end tell
set x to x + 1
end repeat
I am using currently Tiger and Script Editor 2.1.2
After choosing the folder and the text file I always receive this error:
“TextEdit got an error: Can’t make paragraph 1 of window 1 into type reference.”
And stops.
The tect file has no spaces as I replaced the spaces with “_” this because the text file is a Name date and time which I need in the folders.
Example: nicauri_26_09_2009_20_07_46
where Nicauri is the name, then the first set of numbers if the date and the second the time.
What is wrong?
Thanks a lot
AppleScript: 2.1.2
Browser: Safari 531.22.7
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)
There has evidently been some changes to TextEdit, this works for me, and I’m on SL. I think it should work for you as well.
set x to 1
display dialog " --Make Lotsa' Folders-- \nThis AppleScript will create multiple folders using names from a text file that you specify."
set destination to (choose folder with prompt "Where would you like to make the folders?")
tell application "TextEdit"
open (choose file with prompt "Select the text file you wish to use")
end tell
tell application "TextEdit"
if (paragraph x of text of document 1 exists) then
set folderName to paragraph x of text of document 1
-- select paragraph x of text of document
display dialog "Your folders are done." buttons {"OK"}
end if
end tell
tell application "Finder"
make folder in destination with properties {name:folderName}
--select folder "untitled folder" in the destination
--set the name of the selection to folderName
end tell
set x to x + 1
end repeat
if the text file is a plain text file, TextEdit is not needed
display dialog " --Make Lotsa' Folders--
This AppleScript will create multiple folders using names from a text file that you specify."
set destination to (choose folder with prompt "Where would you like to make the folders?")
set textFile to (choose file with prompt "Select the text file you wish to use")
set folderNames to paragraphs of (read textFile)
repeat with oneName in folderNames
tell application "Finder" to make new folder at destination with properties {name:oneName}
end repeat
display dialog "Your folders are done." buttons {"OK"}
Actually this is exactly the script I used from the same source perhaps it works on Snow but not in Tiger.
I have found another script which works googling around It works also in Tiger, I don’t know about snow as for now I am not using it. Here it is for however is interested:
on run -- make new folders from names in a text file
makes new folders at the destinationFolder using names from the inputFile text file
if useExistingFolders is set to false, a number suffix is added to the name if the folder exists
the colon (:) is illegal for Finder names, but can be used to specify subfolders
set useExistingFolders to false -- use folders that already exist?
set inputFile to missing value -- set the source text file path here
set inputFile to inputFile as alias
on error
set inputFile to (choose file with prompt "Choose a text file containing folder names:")
end try
set destinationFolder to missing value -- set the destination folder path here
set destinationFolder to destinationFolder as alias
on error
set destinationFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose a destination folder for the new sub folders:")
end try
repeat with anItem in paragraphs of (read inputFile)
set anItem to anItem as text
if anItem is not "" then -- skip blank items
set targetFolder to destinationFolder
set {tempTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, ":"}
set {nameList, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {text items of anItem, tempTID}
repeat with theName in nameList -- deal with sub folders
if not useExistingFolders then set theName to (getUniqueName for theName from targetFolder) -- avoid duplicate names
tell application "Finder"
make new folder at targetFolder with properties {name:theName}
set targetFolder to (the result as alias)
end tell
on error number -48 -- folder already exists
set targetFolder to ((targetFolder as text) & theName) as alias
end try
end repeat
end if
end repeat
end run
to getUniqueName for someName from someFolder
check if someName exists in someFolder, creating a new unique name if needed
parameters - someName [text]: a name.extension to check for
someFolder [mixed]: a folder to check
returns [text]: a unique name
set {counter, divider} to {"00", "_"}
set here to -(offset of "." in ((reverse of text items of someName) as text)) - 1
set theName to text 1 thru here of someName
if here is -1 then -- no extension
set theExtension to ""
set theExtension to text (here + 1) thru -1 of someName
end if
set newName to theName & theExtension
tell application "System Events" to tell (get name of items of folder (someFolder as text))
repeat while it contains newName
set counter to text -2 thru -1 of ((100 + counter + 1) as text) -- leading zero
set newName to theName & divider & counter & theExtension
end repeat
end tell
return newName
end getUniqueName
AppleScript: 2.1.2
Browser: Safari 531.22.7
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)
This worked perfectly for me on 10.5.8, thanks Stefan! Created 63 folders based on names listed in a plain text file, just as I’d hoped. I also got the paragraph 1 error with the original script posted by danwan.