Curl couldnt connect to host

This is what I am using. I want to be able to create remote folder structure if it doesnt exist yet.

set curlFTP to "curl --ftp-create-dirs -T " & quoted form of POSIX path of filepathtoUpload & space & quoted form of ("" & remoteDirectory & "/" & realFifthPart & "-" & sixthPart & "-" & eventTime & "/")
		log (curlFTP)
do shell script curlFTP

But, I keep on getting Apple Runtime Error:

“curl: (7) couldn’t connect to host”

Can anyone spot something that is obviously wrong in the above?

Thanks for taking a look,


Okay, the problem is instead of above, you have to do this:

set curlFTP to "curl --ftp-create-dirs -T " & quoted form of POSIX path of filepathtoUpload & space & quoted form of ("" & remoteDirectory & "/" & realFifthPart & "-" & sixthPart & "-" & eventTime & "/")
		log (curlFTP)
do shell script curlFTP

@ftp. added after password is the difference. Works great. Well that was a quick 12 hours of eye burning enjoyment. lol