Hi there I was wondering what the syntax is for getting the date modified of a file.
also, is there a comprehensive list anywhere with all the routines that can be called for the various osx applications? The dictionary doesnt really cut it.
set Testfile to (choose file)
modification date of (info for Testfile)
The “info for” command is essential. Look at every thing it returns in the “event log”
tell current application
choose file
→ alias “HardDisk:Desktop:00-949_dec12.fdf”
info for alias “HardDisk:Desktop:00-949_dec12.fdf”
→ {name:“00-949_dec12.fdf”, creation date:date “Wednesday, April 27, 2005 8:58:12 PM”, modification date:date “Wednesday, April 27, 2005 8:58:29 PM”, icon position:{537, 325}, visible:true, size:3.37218E+5, folder:false, alias:false, name extension:“fdf”, extension hidden:false, package folder:false, file type:“PDF “, file creator:“CARO”, displayed name:“00-949_dec12.fdf”, default application:alias “HardDisk:Applications:Acrobat Reader 5.0:”, locked:false, busy status:false, short version:””, long version:“”}
end tell
‘modification date’ is one of many values returned for ‘info for’, with syntax:
set Testfile to (choose file)or make a direct reference to
alias “HardDisk:Desktop:Testfile”
Value_you_need of (info for Testfile)