Convert decimal to binary and back using vanilla AppleScript.
OS version: Any
BintoDec("0101") --> 5
--> now, first parameter is an integer to transform to binary
--> the second parameter, one of 1, 4, 8 or 16, the range of
--> the returned binary digits: bit, nibble, byte or word
DectoBin(result, 8)
--> "00000101"
on BintoDec(n)
set n to reverse of (n as text)'s text items
set dec to 0
set basex to 0
repeat with i in n
if i's contents = "1" then
set dec to dec + (2 ^ basex)
end if
set basex to basex + 1
end repeat
end BintoDec
on DectoBin(n, range)
set bin to {}
repeat while n ? 1
if (n mod 2) = 0 then
set beginning of bin to "0"
set beginning of bin to "1"
end if
set n to n div 2
end repeat
set bin to "1" & bin
-- range 16 = word
-- range 8 = byte
-- range 4 = nibble
-- range 1 = bit
set binlength to (bin's length) mod range
if binlength ? 0 then
set l to range - binlength
repeat l times
set bin to "0" & bin
end repeat
end if
end DectoBin
property |version| : 1.0
property author : "Pescados Software ยท [url="]"[/url]
property |date| : date "domingo, 21 marzo 2004 17:46:58"
property license : "freeware, open-source"