Hi MacScripter, i have in mind a new easy script, but i don’t know how do it.
How the Subject suggests, this time i would scripting a converter from decimals to binary.
That’s a problem… How can i do?? o_O
global a
display dialog "Inserisci il numero da convertire" default answer ""
set a to text returned of result
--converting process
display dialog "il risultato è " & rest buttons {"OK"}
simple solution
set a to decToBin(10) --> 1010
on decToBin(decValue)
set binValue to ""
repeat while decValue > 0
set binValue to ((decValue mod 2) as text) & binValue
set decValue to decValue div 2
end repeat
return binValue
end decToBin
thank you much friend, but i would like to insert from keyboard the number… and if i give a letter, the system show an error display
display dialog "Inserisci il numero da convertire" default answer ""
set numeroInserito to (text returned of result) as integer
--converting process
display dialog "il risultato è " & decToBin(numeroInserito) buttons {"OK"}
on error
display dialog "Per favore inserisca un numero !" buttons {"OK"}
end try
on decToBin(decValue)
set binValue to ""
repeat while decValue > 0
set binValue to ((decValue mod 2) as text) & binValue
set decValue to decValue div 2
end repeat
return binValue
end decToBin
Master… :o
I upgrade my little app… Thank you much
my startApp()
on startApp()
display dialog "Inserisci il numero da convertire" default answer "" with title "Convertitore Decimale binario" default button 2 --with icon file "Macintosh HD:Users:Light:Desktop:Convertitore Decimale binario.app:Contents:Resources:Convertitore Decimale binario.icns"
set numeroInserito to (text returned of result) as integer
display dialog "il risultato è " & decToBin(numeroInserito) buttons {"OK"} with title "Convertitore Decimale binario" default button 1 --with icon file "Macintosh HD:Users:Light:Desktop:Convertitore Decimale binario.app:Contents:Resources:Convertitore Decimale binario.icns"
on error
display dialog "Errore di sintassi" buttons {"Annulla", "Ripeti"} with icon stop with title "Convertitore Decimale binario" default button 2
if button returned of the result = "Ripeti" then
my startApp()
end if
end try
end startApp
on decToBin(decValue)
set binValue to ""
repeat while decValue > 0
set binValue to ((decValue mod 2) as text) & binValue
set decValue to decValue div 2
end repeat
return binValue
end decToBin