Delay 5 hours waits 7h16m?

I have this code:

				with timeout of 5 * 3600 + 60 seconds
					if something then
						tell me to log "wait 5 h: " & (current date)
						delay 5 * 3600
						tell me to log "done: " & (current date)
						display dialog "hello world" giving up after 30
						log "failed"
					end if
				end timeout

It started 10:57 and was done 18:13. Why? The computer was awake the whole period.

How were you running the code?
Was it using “Script Editor”?
if so was Script Editor frontmost the entire time?
If not the display dialog timeout doesn’t start till it gets focus.

try this…

set something to true
with timeout of 5 * 3600 + 60 seconds
	if something then
		tell me to log "wait 5 h: " & (current date)
		delay 5 * 3600
		tell me to log "done: " & (current date)
		tell me to activate
		display dialog "hello world" giving up after 15
		log "failed"
	end if
end timeout