Delete empty folders, except any matching specific name

I have a very simple script I pinched from this forum, it works a treat but I have a lot of folders I need to clear out. But if there is an empty folder matching a specific name, I’d like to leave it alone. How do I add that variable to this script?

set pathoffolder to choose folder
--change folder here
tell application "Finder"
	repeat with oneFolder in (get folders of pathoffolder)
		if (count items) of oneFolder is 0 then delete oneFolder
	end repeat
end tell

Just make a list of the names to ignore in “folderNamesToIgnore” and then run it like this…

set folderNamesToIgnore to {"some name", "another name"}
set pathoffolder to choose folder
--change folder here
tell application "Finder"
	repeat with oneFolder in (get folders of pathoffolder)
		set thisFolderName to name of oneFolder
		if thisFolderName is not in folderNamesToIgnore then
			if (count items) of oneFolder is 0 then delete oneFolder
		end if
	end repeat
end tell

Your a star, thank you! :smiley:

How hard is it to make a droplet? I’ve been looking around and tweaked the script, but it just won’t work.

on open pathoffolder
	set folderNamesToIgnore to {"Miscellaneous"}
	--change folder here
	tell application "Finder"
		repeat with oneFolder in (get folders of pathoffolder)
			set thisFolderName to name of oneFolder
			if thisFolderName is not in folderNamesToIgnore then
				if (count items) of oneFolder is 0 then delete oneFolder
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end open

In this statement:

on open pathoffolder

pathoffolder is a list. You access the items in a list by their index number. So in your case you want the first item or item at index 1. Try this. Notice I also added the “on run” handler. That happens when you double-click the droplet. By making it this way you can run the code by dropping things on it or double-clicking it.

I didn’t test this code but it should work…

-- this happens when you double-click the droplet
on run
	set aFolder to choose folder
end run

-- this happens when you drop folders on the droplett
-- note that we only work with the first dropped item
on open pathoffolders
	processOneFolder(item 1 of pathoffolders)
end open

on processOneFolder(theFolder)
	set folderNamesToIgnore to {"Miscellaneous"}
	tell application "Finder"
		repeat with oneFolder in (get folders of theFolder)
			set thisFolderName to name of oneFolder
			if thisFolderName is not in folderNamesToIgnore then
				if (count items) of oneFolder is 0 then delete oneFolder
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end processOneFolder

Clever stuff, thanks man! Wish I could return the favour somehow.

Glad to help. Here’s how you return the favor… keep learning applescript and help others to learn it. I was new to it too and the good people here helped me learn it. Now I help others. :smiley:

I’ve made a version of it that drills down into the subfolders (which may be empty) and then deletes them. My scripting may be a bit dodgy, so if anyone has any advice on how I’ve done it I would be grateful.

--script to find empty folders and delete them
set myFolder to POSIX file "/Users/dwhitehead/Desktop/test" as alias
--change folder here


to deleteEmptyFolders(folderPath)
	tell application "Finder"
		repeat with oneFolder in (get folders of folderPath)
			if (count items) of oneFolder is 0 then
				delete oneFolder
				repeat with aFolder in (get folders of oneFolder)
					my deleteEmptyFolders(oneFolder)
				end repeat
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end deleteEmptyFolders

Model: 2 x 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
AppleScript: 2.1.2
Browser: Firefox 3.6.14
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)

I’m having problems combining the info in this thread to a script that suit my need.

A. I will use a folder script so I don’t need the droplet code.
B. I need the ignore list but empty folders inside an ignored folder should still be removed.

I have also noticed that the scripts here only removes the empty folder located deepest in the hierarchy. So if the structure is like this:

  1. folder level one
    2. folder level two
    3. folder level three

then no. 3 will be deleted. But after this run folder no. 2 becomes empty too. But this folder will not be processed until the next time the script is run. I can live with this minor dilemma. Just thought I should mention it.

Can someone help me with A+B?

Hi Anders

The eighth line down in the handler in my script calls the handler again so it will carry on looking for empty folders.

I thought so too but when I run it is acts as I described.

I made a folder hierarchy 4 levels deep with empty folders. Every time I run the script the folder at the bottom is deleted but nothing else.

Sorry, I just realised that I had made changes to the script since posting. Here is the whole script, which also gives feedback on how many folders have been deleted.

-- script to find empty folders and delete them
global deleteCount
global timeStart
global timeFinished
global timeTaken
global totalTimeTaken
global parentPath
global folderName
global deleteLog

on run
	tell application "Finder"
		set theseFolders to selection
		set folderCount to count of theseFolders
	end tell
	if folderCount is greater than 0 then
		set theseFolders to choose folder with multiple selections allowed
	end if
end run

-- main handler follows -----------------------------------------
on mainScript(theseFolders)
	set deleteLog to "" -- otherwise the log carries over from when last run
	set timeTaken to 0 -- otherwise the time carries over from when last run
	set totalTimeTaken to 0
	repeat with thisFolder in theseFolders
		set parentPath to GetParentPath(thisFolder)
		set timeStart to time string of (current date) -- capture the start time
		deleteEmptyFolders(thisFolder) -- run the handler
		set timeFinished to time string of (current date) -- capture the finish time
		set timeTaken to (date timeFinished) - (date timeStart) -- take away start from finish to give time taken
		set totalTimeTaken to totalTimeTaken + timeTaken
	end repeat
end mainScript

-- sub handlers are below --------------------------------------

on GetParentPath(theFile)
	tell application "Finder" to return container of theFile as text
end GetParentPath

on getFolderName(aFolder)
	set oldTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set folderName to aFolder as string
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
	set folderName to text item -2 of folderName
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldTIDs
	return folderName
end getFolderName

to deleteEmptyFolders(folderPath)
	set deleteCount to 0 -- each time the handler is run the count is set to 0 so that the delete count does not tally up from before
	tell application "Finder"
		set allFolders to get (entire contents of folderPath)'s folders
		set allFolders to reverse of allFolders
		repeat with aFolder in allFolders
			if (count items) of aFolder is 0 then
				delete aFolder
				set deleteCount to (deleteCount + 1)
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end deleteEmptyFolders

on giveFeedback()
	if deleteCount is greater than 0 then
		set deleteCount to deleteCount as text
		set deleteLog to deleteLog & return & folderName & return & deleteCount & " empty folders have been deleted." & return
		display dialog folderName & return & deleteCount & " empty folders have been deleted." & return & "The script has taken " & totalTimeTaken & " seconds to run in total." giving up after 5
		set deleteLog to deleteLog & return & folderName & return & deleteCount & " empty folders have been deleted." & return
		display dialog "There were no empty folders in " & folderName giving up after 5
	end if
end giveFeedback

on writeLog()
	set theLogFile to (path to desktop as string) & "Empty_Folders_Delete_Log.txt"
		set dataStream to open for access file theLogFile with write permission
		set eof of dataStream to 0
		write deleteLog to dataStream starting at eof -- as list
		close access dataStream
	on error
			close access file theLogFile
		end try
	end try
end writeLog

Thanks for your help.

I*m trying to build a folder script that will make a folder self maintained. It should show files not older than 1 year and no empty folders. There are 4 folders in the root level that never should be deleted even if they are empty.

I have the script that deletes old files in working order. But I need to add the part to clean up empty folders with a ignore function as shown above.