Delete Extra Pages in InDesign

I am a noobie,
I have been working with a script that modifies our documents for the end user.
In doing so the script creates blank pages that I would like to delete.

I am creating a “Clean-up” section that will run at the end. I want to include a portion that deletes these extra blank pages.
Since the script is very long”and does a million other things”I wanted to include only the important section.

repeat with ii from 1 to count of page items
			set deleteExtras to count of page items
			if deleteExtras is less than 1 then
				delete page
			end if
		end repeat

Why wouldn’t this work?


Hi Hillary,

Please give this a try:

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS4"
	set pages_to_delete to {}
	repeat with i from 1 to count of pages of document 1
		set page_items to every page item of page i of document 1
		if page_items is {} then
			copy i to end of pages_to_delete
		end if
	end repeat
	set reverse_pages_to_delete to reverse of pages_to_delete
	repeat with this_page in reverse_pages_to_delete
		delete page this_page of document 1
	end repeat
end tell

This script will work as long as the “count of pages” matches the page numbers i.e. you’ve got a 10 page document and page position 8 is numbered/named as page 8 and is not the start of another section where it has been called 16 or something (hope that makes sense?). Also you may notice that once I’ve got a list of pages to delete that I reverse the list this is because if pages 7 thru 10 are blank and you delete page 7 then page 8 then becomes page 7 and you start to run into all sorts of problems so by reversing the list and deleting backwards no pages shuffle.


Sorry to say this insertion make my script bonk.

repeat with ii from 1 to count of every page
tell page ii
count page items
if count is less than 1
tell document 1 set label of page ii to “Delete_Me”
end if
end repeat
tell document 1 to delete every page whose label is “Delete_Me”

Any more thoughts?

The code you posted that

is nothing like what I posted and doesn’t even compile, did you actually try the code I posted?