Delete InDesign Temporary Recovery File

Delete InDesign Temporary Recovery File

… and thus, be able to re-open Adobe InDesign after a crash, WITHOUT the software trying to recover a previous document.

(Useful if a large .INDD just hung on you, and you don’t really want to try again)

Thanks to StefanK

set userLibrary to path to library folder from user domain as text
tell application "Finder"
   set IndesignFolder to folder (userLibrary & "Caches:Adobe InDesign:")
   set versionFolder to 1st folder of IndesignFolder whose name begins with "Version"
   set localeFolder to 1st folder of versionFolder
       set Del_Path to file "RecoveryData" of folder "InDesign Recovery" of localeFolder
       display dialog "Temporary recovery files have been found. To clear InDesign's short term memory, click continue" buttons {"Cancel", "Continue"} default button 2 with title "Adobe InDesign" giving up after 10
       delete Del_Path
   on error number n
       if n = -128 then return
       display dialog "No temporary Adobe InDesign files were found" buttons {"Continue without action"} default button 1 with icon caution giving up after 10
   end try
end tell