Deleting files that are smaller than 2MB

I am trying to delete files, within a specific folder, that are smaller than 2MB.

I am first trying to get a list of files within that folder with their size. Then I will browsing through that list and delete all files that are smaller than 2MB.

I found and modified this script on the forum.

However I am having difficulties in getting the size of the files. Would someone have an idea why?


set HomeFolder to (path to home folder as text)
set pathFolder1Name to "FOLDERX"
set pathFolder2Name to "MPEGfiles"
set DestinationFolder to (path to home folder as text) & pathFolder1Name & ":" & pathFolder2Name & ":" --"FPAQ:MPEGfiles:"
set POSIXdestinationFolder to POSIX path of DestinationFolder
my deleteSmallFiles(2, DestinationFolder)
empty trash

on deleteSmallFiles(MinSize, deleteFolder)
	tell application "Finder"
		set file_list_size to (size of deleteFolder) / (1024 * 2)
		if file_list_size < Min_Size then
			set file_list to every item in deleteFolder as alias list
			repeat with each_file in file_list
				display dialog "deleting " & each_file
			end repeat
		end if
	end tell
end deleteSmallFiles


to calculate the size of a folder can take some time.
Use a repeat loop to determine the finishing of calculation

on deleteSmallFiles(MinSize, deleteFolder)
	tell application "Finder"
		repeat until size of deleteFolder is not missing value
			delay 0.2
		end repeat
		set file_list_size to (size of deleteFolder) / (1024 * 2) -- maybe you mean 1024 ^ 2
		if file_list_size < Min_Size then
			set file_list to every item in deleteFolder
			repeat with each_file in file_list
				display dialog "deleting " & each_file as text
			end repeat
		end if
	end tell
end deleteSmallFiles

If you request the file sizes thru the Finder, you have to wait until the Finder has calculated the size. So you have to insert a repeat loop:

on getFileSize(anAlias)
	set fs to missing value
	repeat while fs is missing value
		tell application "Finder" to set fs to size of anAlias
		delay 1
	end repeat
	return fs
end getFileSize

If you want it without this crappy repeat loop, you can use shell scripts. I just copy pasted this line of code from [url=]this post[url].

on getFileSize(anAlias)
	set anAlias to anAlias as text
	set myShell to "/bin/ls -lR " & ¬
		quoted form of POSIX path of anAlias & ¬
		" | awk '{sum += $5} END{print sum}'"
	return do shell script myShell
end getFileSize

Hope it helps,

In browsing through the WEB, I remembered the UNIX Find command. To perform this operation I execute the following shell command. This command removes files that are less than 12MB.

At this moment, I use the -size option with 50000000c. However, I am browsing through the web to inquire about the different options when using -size.


	--do shell script "find /Foldername/ -name *.MPG -size -50000000c  -exec rm {} \\; "

I think man find can teach you a lot about the -size parameter!

Hope it helps,