I found a solution for my problem, I will try to exlaplain this thread best.
Well I have 1000 images in jpg format, those images has a rectangular area where the design is placed, the same image have a logo in the botton. The task is: Cut the logo from the bottom it does not have problem because the logo is the las item on the bottom and allways have the same hieght, so i just need to use this instruction:
crop current document bounds {0 as pixels, 0 as pixels, image_w as pixels, (image_h - 300)as pixels}
The best part comes when the image is cropped, there are white areas that i dont like arround of the rectangular area of the design. Finally!!!, I found a script that use the histogram Property of class Current Document of Photoshop’s applescript this property makes an array with all values of colors, when an area is white the array has all its values in 0’s but the last item is the value for white, this value allways is major than cero. This way, the script makes 4 selections, first from left to rigth wit loop that increments by 10 (pixels), the selection moves by 10 while the array has not a value > 0 in some item; and the same way for the other 3 sides of rectangle. Like this:
set el_folder to (choose folder) as string
set archivos to list folder el_folder as list
set cuenta to count every item in archivos
set f14 to "G4:F14:"
repeat with i from 2 to cuenta
set imagen to el_folder & item i of archivos as alias
tell application "Adobe Photoshop 7.0"
set ruler units of settings to pixel units
set codigo to f14 & items 1 thru 11 of item i of archivos as string
set clean_f14 to "G4:F14" & codigo
set Opciones to {class:JPEG save options, embed color profile:false, format options:standard, quality:12, scans:3}
open imagen
-- Crop the logo
set image_w to width of current document as integer
set image_h to (height of current document as integer)
set new_h to (height of current document as integer) - 350
crop current document bounds {0 as pixels, 0 as pixels, image_w as pixels, new_h as pixels}
tell current document
set rebace to 40
-- Scan the left side until numero is true
repeat with j from 0 to image_w by 10
select region {{0, 0}, {j + 10, 0}, {j + 10, image_h}, {0, image_h}}
set x to histogram
set pixeles to items 1 thru 255 of x as list
set numero to some item in pixeles is not 0
if numero then
set a_x to j - rebace --> Takes the first value for the last crop instruction
set a to 0
exit repeat
end if
-- Scan the right side until numero is true
end repeat
repeat with j from 0 to image_h by 10
select region {{(image_w - j), 0}, {(image_w - j) - 10, 0}, {(image_w - j) - 10, image_h}, {(image_w - j), image_h}}
set x to histogram
set pixeles to items 1 thru 255 of x as list
set numero to some item in pixeles is not 0
if numero then
set b_x to ((image_w - j) + rebace) --> Takes the 2nd value for the last crop instruction
set j to 0
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
-- Scan the top side until numero is true
repeat with j from 0 to image_w by 10
select region {{0, j}, {0, j + 10}, {image_w, j + 10}, {image_w, j}}
set x to histogram
set pixeles to items 1 thru 255 of x as list
set numero to some item in pixeles is not 0
if numero then
set a_y to j - rebace --> Takes the 3rd value for the last crop instruction
set j to 0
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
-- Scan the botton side until numero is true
repeat with j from 0 to image_h by 10
set y to (new_h - j)
select region {{0, y - 10}, {image_w, y - 10}, {image_w, new_h}, {0, new_h}}
set x to histogram
set pixeles to items 1 thru 255 of x as list
set numero to some item in pixeles is not 0
if numero then
set b_y to y + rebace --> Takes the 4th value for the last crop instruction
set j to 0
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
crop current document bounds {a_x as pixels, a_y as pixels, b_x as pixels, b_y as pixels}
save current document in file codigo as JPEG with options Opciones appending lowercase extension with copying
close current document without saving
end tell
end repeat