According to the 10.4.3 Finders dictionary, one could query the Finder whether it shows its disks:
tell application "Finder"
desktop shows hard disks
end tell
---> Finder got an error: Can't get desktop shows hard disks.
What’s wrong on my (Apple’s) part.?
Is this what you’re looking for?
tell application "Finder"
get name of every disk
end tell
That is a property of the “Finder preferences” object.
tell application "Finder"
desktop shows hard disks of Finder preferences
end tell
Thanks, you got it.
Now try this non-Gui script, and observe some interesting Gui-effects.
tell application "Finder"
set desktop shows hard disks of Finder preferences to not (desktop shows hard disks of Finder preferences)
end tell
Er, what kind of explaination are you looking for?