I wanted to disable the window interface while its busy and the progress indicator is running. While it seems that the Tab View Object does have a hidden property I can’t seem to access it at run time.
I was trying to, during execution, hide the tab view while starting a spinning progress indicator. Once the operation finishes the indicator would stop, thus returning to hidden, and the tab view would become visible once again.
Is there a way to do this? Or any suggestions on how to achieve something comparable?
NSTabView is a subclass of NSView. Does the “visible” attribute not work?
If it doesn’t work through Studio, I’d just call NSView’s -setHidden: method on the tab view object. You may need to mark the view as needing display afterward.
::plays the “I’m a AS Studio noob song”::
ugh, thank you… I was, apparently, dead set on trying to manipulate “hidden” not visible.
Even though it’s in the documentation, blame AppleScript. Notice that the Cocoa methods are -setHidden: and -isHidden, not “visible”.
Were Studio consistent with the Cocoa classes underneath, you wouldn’t have had a problem.