tell application "Contacts"
set selectedContact to (item 1 of (get selection))
tell selectedContact
set {|birth date|, |company|, |creation date|, |department|, |first name|} to ¬
{birth date, company, creation date, department, first name}
set {|home page|, |id|, |image|, |job title|, |last name|, |maiden name|} to ¬
{home page, id, image, job title, last name, maiden name}
set {|middle name|, |modification date|, |name|, |nickname|, |note|, |organization|} to ¬
{middle name, modification date, name, nickname, note, organization}
set {|phonetic first name|, |phonetic last name|, |phonetic middle name|} to ¬
{phonetic first name, phonetic last name, phonetic middle name}
set {|selected|, |suffix|, |title|, |vcard|} to {selected, suffix, title, vcard}
end tell
end tell
set theText to "Creation date: " & |creation date| & return
set theText to theText & "Modification date: " & |modification date| & return
if not (|birth date| is missing value) then set theText to "Birth date: " & |birth date| & return
set theText to theText & "Company: " & company & return
if not (department is missing value) then set theText to theText & "Department: " & department & return
if not (|first name| is missing value) then set theText to theText & "First name: " & |first name| & return
if not (|home page| is missing value) then set theText to theText & "Home page: " & |home page| & return
if not (image is missing value) then set theText to theText & "Image: " & image & return
if not (|job title| is missing value) then set theText to theText & "Job title: " & |job title| & return
if not (|last name| is missing value) then set theText to theText & "Last name: " & |last name| & return
if not (|maiden name| is missing value) then set theText to theText & "Maiden name: " & |maiden name| & return
if not (|middle name| is missing value) then set theText to theText & "Middle name: " & |middle name| & return
if not (|name| is missing value) then set theText to theText & "Name: " & |name| & return
if not (nickname is missing value) then set theText to theText & "Nickname: " & nickname & return
if not (|note| is missing value) then set theText to theText & "Note: " & |note| & return
if not (organization is missing value) then set theText to theText & "Organization: " & organization & return
if not (|phonetic first name| is missing value) then set theText to theText & "Phonetic first name: " & |phonetic first name| & return
if not (|phonetic last name| is missing value) then set theText to theText & "Phonetic last name: " & |phonetic last name| & return
if not (|phonetic middle name| is missing value) then set theText to theText & "Phonetic middle name: " & |phonetic middle name| & return
set theText to theText & "ID: " & |id| & return
set theText to theText & "Selected: " & selected & return
if not (suffix is missing value) then set theText to theText & "Suffix: " & suffix & return
if not (title is missing value) then set theText to theText & "Title: " & title
set theText to theText & return & return
set theText to theText & "Vcard:" & return & return & vcard
display dialog theText buttons {" ........................... CLOSE INFO ............................."} with title "CONTACT's INFO"