i made a handler to display a panel attached to the main window, but i want it to wait for user input (clicking a button) before continuing execution of the script (like what a dialog does) is this possible?
I don’t think that’s possible LobsterMan.
FWIW, here’s a few snippets from a small project I started the other day:
on checkDownloadStatus()
if downloading is true then
display alert "Not Finished Updating" as warning default button "Continue" other button "Quit" attached to window 1
return false
return true
end if
end checkDownloadStatus
on should close theObject
end should close
on should quit theObject
end should quit
on alert ended theObject with reply theReply
if button returned of theReply is "Quit" then
set downloading to false
end if
end alert ended
Model: Mac mini
AppleScript: 1.10
Browser: Safari 412
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)
this is weird, i just tried the regular display dialog, and when it’s attached to a window, the script won’t wait does this mean i have to give up elegance for performance, or is there a workaround?
Can you post your code?
set content of progress indicator "ProgressBar" of window "ProgressPanel" to 100
close panel (window "ProgressPanel")
display dialog "Congratulations! Your album is ready." attached to window "MainWindow"
tell application "Safari"
open index_file
end tell
safari opens up before any user input
After you connect the “dialog ended” event to “MainWindow” in Interface Builder, try this:
-- on something()
-- .
set content of progress indicator "ProgressBar" of window "ProgressPanel" to 100
close panel (window "ProgressPanel")
display dialog "Congratulations! Your album is ready." attached to window "MainWindow"
-- end something
on dialog ended theObject with reply theReply
-- If nessecary, check for correct object/reply
tell application "Safari"
open index_file
end tell
end dialog ended
ouch! i thought so. the problem with chopping it up into lots of handlers (for every dialog) is the variables, i’ll probably have to make them globals, as i see no other way ti pass them on
Globals or properties, whichever is appropriate.
I’ve somewhat accomplished this goal with the following routine that I put in my script
on pause_confirm()
display panel window "paused" attached to window "my_app"
set continuteVal to "paused"
repeat while continuteVal is not equal to "Continuing..."
set continuteVal to title of button "continue" of window "paused"
delay 1
end repeat
close panel window "paused"
end pause_confirm
Where the panel has a button that when they click calls a script that changes it’s title to Continuing… The delay 1 is to keep the script resources lower, maybe.
Dunno if this helps (or is too late), but hopefully it does some good.