I’m new to AppleScript, unfortunately. I would like my scripts to display a window with the text “Running…” as long as they are running. How do I accomplish that?
I’m not sure what you mean by this. Please elaborate…
Thank you for your interest!
I would like my scripts to display a text window that informs the user that the script is running. There is a display dialog option in AppleScript, but this won’t solve the problem. AppleScript would wait for the user to react to the dialog, not finish execution.
There are a few sharware programs that will let you add a “progress bar” to your scripts. And ‘jonn8’ has an example of a pseudo progress bar at…
A couple of the shareware solutions are Extra Suites 1.0 and 24U Appearance Osax 2.1
AppleScript Studio would work for this also.
I would like my scripts to display a text window that informs the user that the script is running.
Another way consists in using the clipboard to show the script progress, here one small example:
--At first time
tell application "Finder" to open clipboard
--In your loop (for exemple)
repeat with Bcl from 1 to 50
--Here your script
--This is the decreasing progress
tell application "Finder"
set the clipboard to ("" & (50 - Bcl))
end tell
end repeat
--At end
tell application "Finder" to close clipboard
Tested with Os 9 and AS 1.4
Now that is a nifty idea.
It is nifty, but, unfortunately, it is OS 9 only. This is broken in OS X (see the Finder dictionary).
It is nifty, but, unfortunately, it is OS 9 only. This is broken in OS X (see the Finder dictionary).
Yeah, bummer.
I highly recommend David’s ‘Extra Suites’ for OS X.
I use it quite a bit with great success.
Kudos, David!
Very nifty indeed.
I got curious and saved a series of pict files of an animated progress bar. And instead of setting the clipboard to text set it to the pict file as a picture:
property sourceFolder : "Mac HD:Desktop Folder:progress:"
tell application "Finder" to open clipboard
repeat with Bcl from 100 to 0 by -1 --countdown from 100 to 1
--using the number we are on, concat to get the path to the appropriate pict file
set filePath to sourceFolder & Bcl & ".pct" as picture
tell application "Finder"
set the clipboard to filePath as picture
end tell
end repeat
tell application "Finder" to close clipboard
I could only get it to work with PICT files saved from Photoshop and did not really save 100 pict files - I only tested it with 10, mostly cuz I’m lazy.
Thanks Fredo!
Hey folks,
Since we are talking 9, don’t forget about Dialog Director too!
As 24U Osax, DD has a very adequate Progress Bar as well.
Hi All
Very nifty indeed.
I got curious and saved a series of pict files of an animated progress bar.
Very interesting your use of the clipboard with images… very good idea !!!
For Os X, we can use and rename a simple folder in the desktop, for exemple :
--At first time
tell application "Finder" to set NewDos to ¬
(make new folder at desktop) as alias
--In your loop (for exemple)
repeat with Bcl from 1 to 50
--Here your script
--This is the decreasing progress
tell application "Finder"
set name of NewDos to ("" & (50 - Bcl) & return)
--with a "return" to avoid possible errors
end tell
end repeat
--At end
tell application "Finder" to delete NewDos
Attention, this easy way is very slow with Os9, but rather fast under OsX…