I repeatedly run into issues with escaping. Before resorting to the shell script file option I’d like to exhaust all possibilities for building the command inside AppleScript’s do shell script wrapper. The command in question is the following:
do shell script "_status=$( csrutil status | grep -Eio '[a-z\\.]+$' ) ; alert_action=$(if [[ $_status == enabled? ]] ; then echo \"System Integrity Protection: enabled\" ; fi) ; if [[ $alert_action != \"\" ]] ; then echo \"' display alert \\\"$alert_action\\\" as warning message \\\"To disable restart to Recovery\\\" & return & return & \\\"While in Recovery start Terminal and run\\\" & return & \\\"\\\\\\\"csrutil disable ; nvram -d recovery-boot-mode ; reboot\\\\\\\"\\\" buttons {\\\"Abort\\\", \\\"Proceed\\\" } giving up after 5' \" ; fi | xargs -I % osascript -e %"
I assemble it with ‘echo’. The parts of the command that mess things up are ‘buttons’ and ‘giving up after 5’. As long as I leave only one button between the braces and omit ‘giving up after’ osascript raises the dialog but when I put them back it errors out with a syntax error. Appears, it doesn’t like the comma delimiter. I read about BASH array, braces expansion (and its inhibition by escaping the braces) but that didn’t play out well.
When I run it as
the command returns success.
As you’ve noticed it’s not as easy to read as it would be inside a .sh file but I don’t seek elegance, for now (notice how many backslashes I had to put before some quotes inside quotes inside quotes - I came up with that empirically). All I want is to make it work, if possible.
How to escape the argument inside echo correctly?
Model: MacBook Pro 9,1 (mid-2012 15") Core i7 2.3 GHz, 16 GB RAM, 500 GB SSD
AppleScript: 2.7
Browser: Safari 605.1.15
Operating System: macOS 10.14