do shell script

Hey, I was wondering how can I make a if statment, because I was having problems just doing this:

do shell script "killall """
do shell script "killall """
do shell script "killall """
do shell script "killall """
do shell script "killall """

the problem with that is if one of those scripts werent open then the scrip would fail, and i tried writing a if statment like

if "" is active then 
do shell script "killall """
end if

But I couldnt even get that one if to work, can someone help me on this issue? Thanks a lot.

Try this…

property killList : {"hybrid", "online", "ivn", "on_campus", "jmstn"}

tell application "Finder"
	set appList to name of every application process
end tell

repeat with killApp in killList
	if appList contains killApp then
		set killScript to ("killall "" & killApp & """) as string
		do shell script killScript
	end if
end repeat


Slaps himself silly Damnit, now I have just learned not to post anything in morning, because I talk out of my ass. I figured out a super duper solution.

do shell script "killall "Script Editor""

lol that solves everything, I always try the hardest way possiable, then figure out there is a super easy soloution. Thanks again guys. DAMNIT :x

LOL thanks, that works too, I will put that one in the archive of my shit just incase i need certain apple scripts to keep running. Thanks man, sorry to take your damn time, since I found a dumbass easy solution.

Ok i have found a prob. I had to modify that code somewhat to get it to work:

property killList : {"", "", ""}

tell application "Finder"
	set appList to name of every application process
end tell

repeat with appList in killList
	if killList contains killList then
		set killScript to ("killall "" & appList & """) as string
		do shell script killScript
	end if
end repeat

But I still cant get that code to make it work like i want it, so lets say if wasnt activated, well then code above would give me an error saying that it has a problem because it could not find “” and would shut it self down without going through the other *.app files and close them down. Any ideas on that? thanks again majolry.

Here is what works:

set itsFolder to "documents folder from user domain"
set shellScript to "cd " & itsFolder
do shell script (shellScript)

This does not:

set itsFolder to "iMac\\ Internal\\ HD/Users/johnlove/Library/Application\\ Support/SuperDuper!/Saved\\ Settings"
set shellScript to "cd " & itsFolder
do shell script (shellScript)

I get “Finder got an error: sh: line 1: cd: iMac Internal HD/Users/johnlove/Library/Application Support/SuperDuper!/Saved Settings: No such file or directory”

It appears that I have properly escaped the spaces, so what have I done wrong ???

Even if I escape the “!” via “\!”, same error message.

POSIX paths always start at “/” (the root); It does not use the hard drive name.

This should also work:

quoted form of POSIX path of ((path to application support folder from user domain as Unicode text) & "SuperDuper!:Saved Settings:")
do shell script "cd " & result -- and whatever else

Unless of course its a secondary drive in which case its going to be “/Volumes//blah blah” or depending on how you actually mounted the volume some other place.

return character 1 of "/Volumes/<drive name>/blah blah"
--> "/"


Technically, POSIX path would include the drive’s mount point. (Which falls underneath “/” still, as I jokingly pointed out above.) So if you were to connect to, say, a SMB share, the POSIX path would actually be: “/Volumes/

touche :lol:

Thank you, Thank you.

Since I am doing:

	set chosenScript to ¬
		choose file default location (path to application support from user domain) ¬
			with prompt "Finally choose the Applescript you want to run"

chosenScript comes back looking like:
startup drive name:Users:johnlove:Library:Application Support:etc etc

but I don’t want to always count on the fact that the script file is in my Application Support folder … so it turns out that thanks to you I have learned about the leading “/”, but also I can avoid depending on the script being in the App Support Folder via:

if (character 1 of chosenScript as string ≠ "/") then set chosenScript to "/Volumes/" & chosenScript

Problem solved.

P.S. if I type one more time “chosenScript = ‘whatever’”, I am going to scream