Does it matter where "with timeout of...." is?

I’m wondering which of the following is better. And more precisely, what’s the difference?


     with timeout of 60 seconds
          tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS" to open the_file showing dialogs never
     end timeout


     tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS"
          with timeout of 60 seconds
                open the_file showing dialogs never
          end timeout
     end tell

In this case, there’s really no difference. If the script included more than one command, you might want the timeout to be applied only to certain commands or blocks of commands. In that case, you would wrap only those commands in the timeout code.

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS" 
	with timeout of 60 seconds
		  open the_file showing dialogs never 
		  -- do this
	end timeout
		-- do that
end tell

– Rob