Does somebody know, how to change file's kind using OS 8.1?

Probably an elementary question, as I’m pretty amateur at this.

I haven’t found a way to get or set the contents of a text window in Eudora or the Finder. In Eudora, I can get or replace the selected text, but not the entire contents. In the Finder, I don’t even seem to be able to do that. Can it really not be done? It’s easy in Tex-Edit, using the properties of its windows, but I can’t find such properties in Applescript or in the standard additions or in those two applications.

I know that if it’s the contents of a file, then the standard scripting additions can access it.

Come to think of it, I guess that takes care of it for the Finder: I can make the file in the Finder and then write to it with the standard additions.

But that leaves Eudora. I’m getting by using the selected text, but that makes the user have to do the selecting before running the script.

Any clues? Thanks a lot.


As far as I know, Eudora’s text documents aren’t scriptable. Once saved to disk, one could manipulate the file, but this can be done outside of Eudora with Standard Additions.

– Rob

I guess I wasn’t overlooking anything after all. Thanks. --Jim

What do you mean by a Finder text window?


Finder text window didn’t make sense, did it? Sorry, I was getting the two confused. What I wanted to do with the Finder was to make a text clipping with a certain content, and I could make the clipping, but couldn’t get the Finder to assign its content. After I started writing the post, I looked in the standard additions dictionary and found out how to use it. I don’t really know my way around very well yet. Sorry…–Jim