I am having an issue with the “Get Selected Finder Items” action. I made a post on this earlier but I have since narrowed down the problem significantly so I thought I would just delete that and make this new topic.
I was having an issue with some of my workflows performing actions twice and I didn’t know why. This seems to be the root of the problem.
I have the following simple workflow:
- Get selected finder items
- Run Applescript:
on run {input, parameters}
display dialog input as text
return input
end run
This just displays what I have selected in a popup. The bizzare thing is that when I run this script from Automator, it works correctly and one item is displayed:
Macintosh HD:Users:(home)test.avi
However, when I save this as a finder plugin and run it from right clicking on the item, I get:
/Users/(home)/Downloads/test.aviMacintosh HD:Users:(home):Downloads:test.avi
The consequence of this is that when I make an automator plugin that uses “Get selected finder items” it runs itself twice, but only when saved as a plugin and run from the right click menu, and I don’t have any idea why or how to fix it.
Thank you!