Dynamic prog bar control?

I have successfully used Applescript to pass values to Internet Explorer using the “do script” command. My ultimate goal is to get Applescript to dynamically pass values between 0 and 100 to a javascript handler and have it draw a filled rectangle on the web-page in a particular spot, with the width being the value passed from Applescript. I’d then have Applescript pass new values to the browser, and without reloading the page, have that rectangle update itself with a new width.

Can anyone tell me the best way to go about this? Would I have Applescript tell Javascript to dynamically set the width of a colored table-cell or is there a way to dynamically draw rectangles in DHTML/Javascipt?

I wrote a script object for Safari called “progressBar”, which does what you describe. It should be very easy to adaptate for IE (simply substitute “Safari” with “Internet Explorer” and “do javascript x in document 1” with “do script x”)

It is inside “sfri Library”, within the “sfri Tools” package, includes lots of documentation: