I’m working sometimes with arrays.
In PHP I could get the value of an element inside an array easily with $array[2].
In ASOC so far I use the “we_smsGuthabenArray’s objectAtIndex_(3)”.
Now, this might sound a little bit, eeehm, lazy, but is there a way to access an element directly, without using a function like the objectAtIndex_?
In the object-oriented world of Cocoa, you don’t get at much except via methods. Even instance variables are normally accessed via methods rather than directly.
Okay thanks.
I just wanted to know if it works.
If it doesn’t (as it seems) its perfectly fine.
It was just the nagging thought that it mighty be easier that forced me to ask.
Now i know.
I’ll get used to it, I already used the [n]-syntax a few times out of routine.
But i really got to admit, so far I LOVE ASOJ.
I already a year ago tried to work me in Obj-C. It didn’t end in anything, probably because i was busy with other stuff and disliked the syntax.
Anyway the ASOC syntax is much clearer to me and still powerful enough for most things I’ll need them to do.
And you guys are the best help