Easter Egg and option key?

Hello everyone,

a sad story…one of the people who helped inspire the app I’m working on passed away in July. As I’m preparing to release the app, I’d like to embed a tribute to him and I had it set to appear on the day he passed away. However, some of the folks who knew him and some of my beta testers feel it’s better to have the easter egg triggered by using the “option” key while choosing “about the app…” kind of like the FInder. I agree, as it can be rather jarring for someone who didn’t know the fellow to see his face pop up on a day in July!

So, I wondering if it’s possible to program an option-click action in ASS for use with the “About this app…” menu.

That is possible. Add another menu item directly below your current “About” item, and set the title to whatever you’d like. Then, in the Inspector [for the new item], set the “Key Modifier” to Option, and check “Treat as an alternate to the previous item.” (Screenshot)

I’m taking it that the result would be that the “About the guy…” menu would then be hidden?

Try it out in Interface Builder. It will be visible only when you are holding the specified Key Modifier.

That seems to work, but for some reason the alternate menu is grayed out. How can I change that?

Would you like the “About the guy” item to open another window?

Yes, I’d like it open a window with a picture of him and a short blurb about him.

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.

Well, obviously, the first thing to do would be to make a window containing the information.

As for getting the menu item to show it. I’ll point you to this post. (I’m trying to find a better place to host that video.)

Bruce, that worked great! Thank you thank you thank you!

By the way, it also answered some basic questions about why certain menus weren’t behaving as expected. Thanks again! Also, the explanation was certainly enough, I didn’t need to watch the video.


Here’s the video, for anyone who’s interested: ib_window_connection.mov