Easy Launch Script

Hi, I have a script that will delete the items of a folder and then empty the trash. I would like a place to put it that is very easy to get to. Something like when you shut the computer down by clicking on the blue apple and going to Shut Down… Is there a way to add scripts to this menu? I am using OS X 10.2.8. If there isn’t a way to do that, is there a way to choose a key to launch the script?

Thanks =)

Model: iMac
AppleScript: 1.9
Browser: Safari 85.8.1
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.2.x)


You can add it to the dock, if that helps.


I use a Kensington mouse and it allows me (among other things) to assign an applescript to a mouse key.

I want to be able to clean out the Documents folder and the Desktop fairly easy, but not so easy that just anyone can do it on accident. After searching for possible ways, I guess I will just put it in the Applications folder and get to it from the Go in the menu bar.

Thanks for the help =)