I regularly use three different machines; an Intel iMac at home, a dual G4 Powermac at the office, and a G4 iBook in various places. Is it at all possible to transfer AS Studio projects from one machine to the next, or should I just use a flash drive to store all the builds? I tried copying a project folder from one machine, onto a flash drive, and I could not open it on another unit. Are there any compelling reasons why I should NOT do something like this?
“could not open it” is pretty vague. define?
Well, this is embarassing. I started a project on my Intel iMac at home, and copied the folder over to my flash drive, since I was leaving for the week, and wanted to work on it using my G4 iBook while I was away. I started up Xcode, and accessed File - Open, and I thought I chose the .xcodeproj file, which then proceeded to do nothing.
However, I tried it just now on my G4 PowerMac, and the same .xcodeproj file opened up just fine, and I had total access to the entire project.
Sorry for the inconvenience, I guess I should have tried a few more times before giving up and posting here.
I’m guessing he’s talking about the builds.
The build configuration needs to be set to Release, not Debug, for it to work across machines. (Mainly due to the ZeroLink, I think)
Also, for it to run on both PowerPC and Intel macs, it needs to be compiled as a Universal binary by enabling both architectures, but I’m guessing you already had that sorted. Anyway, I think the Release configuration has Universal binary compilation enabled by default.
Edit: Sorry, should have done another preview before posting. Glad to see you fixed it though
Thanks for the information, QwertyD, I also should have mentioned that this is concerning my first project in AS Studio, so I really don’t know what you are talking about with the Release vs. DeBug builds, or the Universal binary compiling. I am used to keeping copies of all my AS scripts on a flash drive that I carry around with me, so that I can access everything on every machine whenever I need it. Now that I am trying to learn AS Studio, I am hoping to do the same thing.
I see the Build Configuration drop down menu on the Xcode project file window, so I can handle that just fine. Does the Universal Binary compilation come up when a project is finished, and you go to write the application file(s)?
Required reading:
You also need to read this:
There really is no single post that anyone can make that will cover what you need to know.
Thanks, Mikey-San, I have been stumbling around that document, I appreciate the direct pointers.