first off: this forum is an amazing resource!
One thing I cant’t figure out though and did not find any explaination that help me in the forum:
I am working on a project which is a menulet (or Menubar app) - and I basicaly start/stop the actual script of the app with 2 (start & stop) menu items.
Now I do need to disable the one that has been pressed already, otherwise I can and up entering my mainloop more than once …
MenuItems as far as I understood have some auto-control in IB which makes it difficult to manually turn the setEnabled _().
How does the trick with validateUserInterfaceItem work? I can’t figure it out…
try this, set the tag value of the start item to 128 and the tag value of the stop item to 129
The handler assumes also a property isRunning which reflects the current state.
The delegate property of both menu items must be connected to the app delegate script
on validateUserInterfaceItem_(menuItem)
set menuItemTag to menuItem's tag() as integer
if menuItemTag = 128 then
return isRunning = false
else if menuItemTag = 129 then
return isRunning = true
return true
end if
end validateUserInterfaceItem_
thanks for the fast reply.
Hmm… I seem to miss something here - sorry but I am pretty new to ASOBC.
It disables all my menuitems and if I bind the 2 (start/stop) ones to the appdelegate both of them are active but the others are disabled.
So you know what Im talking about - my Menulet has a Menu that drops down which has 5 menu items - 2 of them are the ones i want to control.
I changed the value for the start and stop item as you said and add your script + 2 propertys in my applescript like this…
property menuItem : missing value
property isRunning : missing value
on validateUserInterfaceItem_(menuItem)
set menuItemTag to menuItem's tag() as integer
if menuItemTag = 128 then
return isRunning = false
else if menuItemTag = 129 then
return isRunning = true
return true
end if
end validateUserInterfaceItem_
Then I get stuck with connecting the to items - I tried to bind the value to the appdelegate with the modelkeypath set to menuItem - end up only having star/stop enabled - if I don’t do that all items are disabled…
Sorry this is probably a stupid mistake but I am confused.
The handler validateUserInterfaceItem_ is called automatically when the menu is going to open
The property isRunning must be a boolean value (true or false) and is supposed to be set/reset in the IBAction when the start/stop menu items are selected.
Sorry, I did a mistake. The Menu delegate must be connected (in Interface Builder) to the app delegate script, not the delegate of the Menu Items
I can see that we are on the right track but I am not getting it the way it is supposed to work.
See this with my comments:
property isRunning : boolean
on clickStart_(sender)
set isRunning to true
-- here comes the main code (loop)
end clickStart_
on clickStop_(sender)
set isRunning to false
-- here comes the quit command for the loop
end clickStop_
on validateUserInterfaceItem_(menuItem)
set menuItemTag to menuItem's tag() as integer
if menuItemTag = 128 then
return isRunning = false
else if menuItemTag = 129 then
return isRunning = false
return true -- i guess this was I typo and is supposed to be true / otherwise all items are disabled
end if
end validateUserInterfaceItem_
I have connected the clickStart/Stop parts to the MenuItems in IB and also the menu’s delegate to the app delegate.
If I run the code like above, both (start & stop) are disabled.
I tested it, it works if the IBAction methods clickstart_()/clickStop_() are connected to the menu items,
because the validateUserInterfaceItem method needs to retrieve their target.
else if menuItemTag = 129 then
return isRunning = true -- must be true
PS: set the value of the property isRunning to false, that’s probably the failure reason
Awesome! Thanks Stefan! It’s working now as you explained.
The true + removing some trash code that sneaked in while testing around did it.
Again: Thanks for you help!