I want to save a script that asks me for the body of the message and then sends it straight away, but something goes JAPANESE… The script is this:
tell application “Finder”
set myCont to display dialog “Write your message” default answer “” buttons {“OK”} default button 1
tell application “Microsoft Entourage”
make new outgoing message with properties {recipient:“xxx@yyy.com”, subject:“Trial & Error”, content:myCont}
set messID to the result
send messID
end tell
end tell
And the result is a message like this:
(in the BBS posting the japanese idograms appear as quotation marks…)
where “TestTestTest” was the text input.
Why the jap and why the “OK” at the end?
BTW, the first time I attempted to run the script, it asked me if I really wanted to send a message, because it was potentially dangerous blah blah blah… What the xxxx?