Entourage reply-to script

hey folks

Anyone know how to write a script that would give you a prompt for the reply-to action in Entourage.
I was able to open the Entourage dictionary through Applescript and it appears you can do it but I just don’t how to get started on it.

Any clues? A nudge in the right direction?


Can you tell us a little more about what you’re after?

You can go into Tools/Rules, select the outgoing pane, and add an action with criteria subject starts with Re:, action=Run Applescript. Is that what you want? What sort of prompt are you looking for?

I want to be able to have a Reply-to-All “failsafe” for those embarassing moments when your e-mail was meant for an individual and not a group. So I was hoping that you could set some sort of message to come up in a prompt every time I hit Reply-to-All that says something to the effect of “Are you sure you want to send this reply to everyone?”

I was able to find something in the Entourage Script Library that says just this but from what I have been able to gather, a script wouldn’t work since you can’t apply it to the Application actions themselves only to e-mails.

I’ve played with the rules some but didn;t think to apply a rule to an “Re:” subject. I’ll give that a shot.

You’d figure with all the extras Microsoft has added to Office over the years that a Reply-All failsafe would be an option by now…:rolleyes:

Yeah… if I had a nickle for every time I’ve hit reply all by mistake I’d be rich. :slight_smile:

I don’t see any way you could intercept a click on the reply all button and throw up a confirmation dialog, which is really what you need.

I guess it’s possible that you could look to see if the outgoing message is a reply, then look at what message it’s linked too, compare the recipients, and find out if the lists are the same. Sounds tricky. I don’t even know if you could stop the message from being sent in the outgoing message filter. I’ve only used it to put outgoing messages into the right sub-folder of my sent messages folder.