May 30, 2005, 6:01pm
Does anyone have any of my old ('90s) Applescript source code or applets?
I’ve lost all of it and want to test the waters with Applescript again.
Look like I’ll be starting from scratch
update: I found Flypaper here
and the closed source (yeah, stupid me) version of Webrunner here
Hi, Eric!
You are very welcome again to the AS community
I’ve been working from time to time in the protocol helper idea, so I do have a newer copy of FlyPaper (1.0), obtained from Bill Cheeseman. And I think you found the last vestige of Webrunner in the web
May 31, 2005, 1:07am
Thanks for the warm welcome, jj. And thanks for the info.
Hello Eric,
Welcome to our Forum! We hope you enjoy the features and benefits.
I think we may have a few of your scripts stashed back.
Do you remember some of the given names? If I can search on one or two of’em, I might be able to find a batch.
Holler back and let me know and I’ll see what I can do.
Thanks so much!
May 31, 2005, 3:14am
At this point, I’m most interested in CommandLine, then Seeker Lite and Olivier. Seeker was last developed by Stefan Anthony. So there might be copies of it under his name too.
Thanks again.
I’m afraid I can’t help finding your other projects, but glad to see you’re ‘back in the game’.
From another protocol ‘tweaker’.
Peter Bunn